What more, believe it or not, these eight-armed sea-dwellers also deliver venomous saliva with their nasty bites. With three hearts, how can you not love them. 11 Fun Facts That Prove Octopuses Are All Kinds Of Astonishing. I love Marine-Biology. Here are eight awesome things we learned about the creatures from reading Katherine Harmon Courage's book "Octopus! Blue-ringed octopuses usually catch crabs and shrimps using their arms. Fact 9 Their blood contains a copper rich protein and is blue in color. Fun Octopus Facts for Kids. Recommended For You Bad Bunny Easter Egg Hunt Challenge. Octopus facts for kids: Learn all about these cool invertebrates, with facts about octopus characteristics, behaviour, diet, habitat and defence mechanisms. Here are 15 awesome facts about this incredible sea-creature that will freak you out. Tags: Facts About Octopus, Fun Facts Octopus, Fun octopus, Funny Octopus, Octopus, Octopus Facts, Octopuses. Octopuses and squid have a single-lens-camera eye, which is more like our own and other backboned animals’ than the eyes of other mollusks. Here are 15 awesome facts about this incredible sea-creature that will freak you out. Submit Funny Video URLs. Slime Smoothie ! 15 Fun Facts about Octopus Octpus have 8 legs, they swim, and they just look plain weird, surely there’s nothing else that can shock you about them? Whether you know it or not, octopuses are incredible. The largest octopus weighs about 15 kg. Think again folks… here’s 15 fun facts about octopus … They pick up coconut shells, climb into them, and run along the ocean floor using their tentacles as legs. The eye of an octopus. Recommended For You Bad Bunny Easter Egg Hunt Challenge. For an adult-age giant Pacific octopus, the average weight is 15 kg (33 lb) and the average arm span is 4.3 m (14 ft). 32.The maximum numbers of suction cups that can be found on each arm of the octopi are 240. Once the prey is caught, they paralyze them using their venom. Welcome to Picture-in-Picture! 15. By Landess Kearns. 31.Octopi have very well-developed nervous system which make they so intelligent. An Octopus has three hearts, 9 brains and the color of its blood is blue. An Octopus can take down a Shark if it wants to. What more, believe it or not, these eight-armed sea-dwellers also deliver venomous saliva with their nasty bites. Then, tore them apart using their beak. As active predators they need to explore, understand and remember their environment and the behaviour of other animals. 14 Facts You Didn't Know About the Octopus. – … 15. Octopus Facts: 31-35. The environment and lifestyle of cephalopods means that they need to be capable of complex and flexible behaviour. Ten Curious Facts About Octopuses Octopuses, an inspiration for monsters throughout history, get a fresh look through a new book that dives deep into the creatures’ mysterious lives They are deaf. Guest User. 15 Incredible Octopus Photos and Facts. 1. Due to the high intelligence of the octopus, the U.K. has considered it an honorary vertebrate for the sake of animal cruelty laws and it is illegal in many countries to perform surgical procedures on an octopus without anesthesia. Amazing Facts About the Octopus. Blue-ringed octopuses feed on crabs, shrimps, and injured fish. 10 Fun Facts About Octopuses. Visit The Author's Website. 15 WTF facts about the Creeply Sea Crawler – The Octopus. 2. Blue-Ringed Octopus - One blue-ringed octopus’ bite may be painless but its venom is … Despite its large size, the octopus can compress its body to fit through any opening larger than its beak. Guest User. Mixing All My Diy Slime ! Submit Funny Video URLs. Guinness World Records lists the largest specimen as weighing 136 kg (300 lb) with an arm span of 9.8 m (32 ft). How cool is that! Octopus - 15 Interesting Fun Facts. 1. How cool is that! … Adrian Quihuis. Tags: Facts About Octopus, Fun Facts Octopus, Fun octopus, Funny Octopus, Octopus, Octopus Facts, Octopuses. Learn about the octopus's defenses against predators, what octopus eat, where they live and much more. Your Funny Videos. by Saikatunb Dec 10, 2015, 7:03 am 952 Views Comments Off on 15 WTF facts about the Creeply Sea Crawler – The Octopus Here are 21 interesting Octopus facts. 1-5 Octopus Facts. As researchers continue to discover incredible things about the capabilities of these remarkable invertebrates, they continue to grow in popularity. Ten fun facts about Octopuses. Fact 8 Female octopuses lay around 40,000 eggs and die when the eggs hatch and rise to the upper waters of the sea. The waters off Hawaii’s coastlines are full of fascinating marine animals, but few have as many surprising qualities as the octopus. An Octopus has three hearts, 9 brains and the color of its blood is blue. Most Satisfying Slime Videos ! Most octopuses stay along the ocean’s floor, although some species are pelagic, which means they live near the water’s surface. Other octopus species live in deep, dark waters, rising from below at dawn and dusk to search for food. Check out our range of fun octopus facts for kids. Sep 16, 2017 | Fish Guide. Some other fun facts: They have three hearts and blue blood; they squirt ink to deter predators; and being boneless, they can squeeze into (or out of) tight spaces. Flirt/Alamy. I have always loved octopuses and I would love to handle one they are so interesting sea life is so epic and I want to be a marine biologist.