She is about 6″ in length, measuring shell only. Followers 0. Aquatic turtles should be exposed to UVB lighting year-round for about 12 hours per day. He is currently housed in a 40 gallon tank, He has a 5.5" clamp lamp that has a 100 watt bulb inside. Galapagos Islands-92 by Tristan Brown A Blue Footed Booby on North Seymour Island. Yellow-bellied slider Turtle. His water temperature is fine. Two Year Old Yellow Belly Slider. I've had my Yellow bellied sliders for 3 years now and my they have grown! Many of them don't arrive at physical maturity until they're between 8 … The yellow belly often has an "s"-shaped yellow stripe on its face. I think my wife and kids are actually jealous of her and the attention she gets. ... Blue Footed Booby ~ Galapagos Islands ~ haha my favorite bird ever I've loved these birds for years and hope to see them in real life one day! Many of them don't arrive at physical maturity until they're between 8 and 9 years … The Yellow-Bellied Slider is an attractive turtle that make great pets. It is less than 6-1/2 inches in some and more than 8 inches in other populations. Female yellow bellied turtles are normally larger than the males thus making it a bit easier when identifying the gender of these animals. Growth for some animals is swift. This is her 160 gallon aquarium on the back patio. Is their care basically the same ? Preplan your purchase and housing facilities accordingly. Yellow-bellied sliders are often confused with eastern river cooters, who also have yellow stripes on the neck and yellow undersides, but the latter lack the green spots characteristic of this species. EmilyNSams. Many house cats, for example, attain their full size at a year old. 6. Many house cats, for example, attain their full size at a year old. From an inch around to almost 8 inches now, but even a 55 gallon tank is to small for them. The Dos and Don'ts of Turtle Care. But these curious, amiable reptiles are entertaining pets if cared for properly. Yellow Bellied Slider Turtle Facts and Information. Yellow bellied slider won't eat. Most male yellow-bellied slider turtles reach reproductive age when they are between 4 and 5-1/2 inches in length. i have 2 yellow bellied sliders and a snapper turtle, and both the yellow bellied sliders shells are darkening, and the snapper turtles shell is turning brown, and that is normal. Many house cats, for example, attain their full size at a year old. My son and I went to the zoo again today to check out our favorite exhibit. They'll never be a cuddly pet like a dog or cat would be, but yellow-bellied sliders tend to have unique personalities that endear them to their owners.