For egg production and fertility of females, a level of 2,500 I.U. The hatchability and survival of newly-hatched c hicks were better with 3,200 I.U. Dandilion is a must for goods eggs and good health! So, what do they eat? I do give them bird seed on the odd occasion which they love but I always supply them with fresh dirt to dig in and eat and bath in also - the dirt helps the seed digest properly. Since quail, and chickens, do not have teeth, the crushed stones act as teeth in the birds’ crops (most quail have crops, but not all), to break down large grains, … For example, desert species, like Gambel's quail, will eat cactus fruit when it is in season. How to Feed Quail. Many of the specifics vary based on the exact species of quail and where it's living. The food of farm quail includes seeds, grains, vegetables, insects and commercially prepared feed. Catering to the shy nature of these birds when meeting their survival needs is the key to attracting quail to the yard. However, if you have a feeder with a large enough platform, they’ll fly up there, too. How to Feed Your Quail Based Upon the Age of the Quail: No matter the type of quail species, feed baby quail and young quail a quail starter diet.Starter diet is essential for young baby quail because the growing birds need an extraordinary amount of protein as they grow. This essentially helps nourish the quail until they are old enough to be killed, prepared and consumed. Button Quails are truly omnivorous, requiring animal, vegetable and mineral to be healthy. Quail do not over-eat so can be fed ad-lib as with other poultry however if you feed them with a quail seed / pellet mix, make sure you use a hopper with ‘anti-spill fingers’ because they can waste a lot of it by flicking it out onto the floor as they search for their favourite seeds in the mix. This is one of the significant sources of food after seeds and insects. ANSWER: After seeds and grains, a major part of their diet comes from different types of plants, leaves, fruits and vegetables. They are very choosy about what they want to eat but if you can understand their eating habits, it will be easy for you. If you are raising quail for meat, you should switch the quail to what is known as a finisher diet. They will also eat berries and other fruits, if you provide Fruits & Vegetables. Once your baby quail are 8 weeks old, switch what you’re feeding quail to a purpose-specific quail feed. Simmer down sauce a little bit, if desired and drizzle over meat. You might thinking what do quails eat in captivity? Quails do not need fussing about when it comes to feeding, but it is good to know if you're feeding them the correct things and that your giving them a balanced diet. Quail are in our garden year-round and roost within the dense branches of conifers or arbor vitaes. I give all my quail chicken layer pellets and weeds from the garden. Quails may look fragile and weak from their outward appearance, but do not let this fool you about their eating habits. A proper quail's diet should contain about 20 percent of vegetables, fruits, leaves and other roughage compose. Not this year though. However, quail will also eat fruits and berries when they can find them. Feeding Your Button Quail. vitamin A/kg diet. Food: Feeding wild quail is simple as these birds are primarily granivorous and will eat spilled seed from feeders. vitamin A/kg diet was required (Parrish and Al-Hasani, 1983). They eat almost everything like your other domestic poultry birds. Arrange vegetables and quail legs on plates. If it's too big when you buy it, you can grind it in a coffee grinder or food processor. Their primary need is a diet high in protein, and the staple of their diet should really be "gamebird crumble", which is over 20% protein. Research shows that a proper quail diet should consist of 20 percent of vegetables, fruits, leaves, and other roughage. Laying quails receiving insufficient vitamin A produce fewer eggs and eggs produced frequently do not hatch.