As winter approaches, food becomes scarce and therefore birds move to warmer places in search for food. While larger birds tend to travel during daylight hours, songbirds and smaller species fly at night and will stop off and stick around for a day to eat and build up fat stores before continuing their journey. The best time to see and hear them in your yard is the first two hours after the sun rises! Below you'll discover 10 essential bird facts. Migration is primarily a strategy to optimize living conditions by moving to areas which are warmer and have more food. Siberian Cranes. Many species of bird migrate. Approximately 40% of the world's birds migrate, which means there a lot of birds on the move! The main reasons are food and weather. One of the six basic groups of animals—alongside reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish, and protozoans—birds are characterized by their feather coats and (in most species) the ability to fly. The linear flight formations of migratory birds are called echelons, with the most common shapes being the “V” or the “J.” In fact, a true V-shaped formation is less common than a J formation. Such birds are called migratory birds. Interesting Facts About Migratory Birds 7. Traveling To The Moon Wild Bird Trust presents the Top 25 Migratory Wild Birds. Birds fly in formation a) because it saves energy and b) to facilitate orientation and communication among the birds… We could certainly see the massive flocks journeying across the skies, but it was anyone’s guess as to why. Here is the list of most beautiful migratory birds coming to India in winter and summer season. Swallows are migratory birds that spend the summer in Europe and the winter in Africa. Six Fascinating Facts About Migratory Birds More than 200 species of neotropical migratory birds nest in North America. Here are five of our favorites: Magnolia warbler These erroneous beliefs were largely based These birds breed north of the Tropic of Cancer during the North American summer and spend the North American winter in Mexico, Central America, South America or the Caribbean islands. 10 Strange Myths And Facts About Migratory Birds Birds have always migrated, but humans haven’t always completely understood what was … Approximately 40% of the world's birds migrate, which means there a lot of birds on the move! Birds migrate during fixed times of the day to avoid potential dangers and keep a tap over their body temperature and energy reserves. These incorrect convictions were to a great extent dependent on perception, and some of them were out and out over the top. Bar Headed Geese is the highest flying migratory bird, with regularly flying over an … They can manage to fly about 300 kilometers (186 mi) per day to get to South Africa in just five weeks. Bird migration is the regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a flyway, between breeding and wintering grounds. Wild Bird Trust presents the Top 25 Migratory Wild Birds. 5.Bar Headed Geese. Migratory Birds Face Several Threats . So what makes them leave their cozy nests and migrate over thousands of miles to a new place every year? Bar Headed Geese is the highest flying migratory bird, with regularly flying … Many species of bird migrate. Birds have always migrated, but humans haven’t always completely understood what was going on. Top 5 migratory birds you can easily spot this season . Top 5 migratory birds you can easily spot this season; You are in an offline mode.