because i heard they can turn into a wolf and a stag but im not sure. Can vampires turn animals into vampires? The eBook will tell you exactly how you can use the dark powers of the night to turn yourself into a vampire using an ancient spell. What … Vampires can turn into bats Source: Association of vampires with vampire bats, since they're both nocturnal and utilize pointed fangs to feed on blood. Vampires can feed off of animals (and often do in times of crisis), but the animal either dies or makes a full recovery, it does not turn into a vampire bunny or vampire worm :p I find vampire lore incredibly interesting, but there are many different interpretations of it. 2. We could have vampire bunnies.. or.. or.. hey. (It's Like a Test) What do you think? Update: ok not all vampires can shape shift, but in some stories they can (hence the bat regference) but hollywood changes rules now and then to suit the story anyway just wondered if it was true or just a bogus rumour i heard . I have thousands of years of information that I would love to share. Feel free to ask me more. The following tables compare traits given to vampires in folklore and fiction. Unanswered Questions. Then we'd have vampire worms... wait.. we have those already. The following tables compare traits given to vampires in folklore and fiction. I have a feeling its something with the human dna that allows them to change. I am doing research for a book I am writing and I was wondering if the traditional vampire can bite an animal and turn that animal into an animal vampire. Fact: Although animals and blood bags can get them by for a while, vampires ultimately have to feed on live humans to get all the nutrients they require. can a vampire turn into any other animal other then a bat? Answer Save. [3] In 2009, a sixteenth-century female skull with a rock wedged in its mouth was found near the remains of plague victims. A Girl Transform Herself into a Dinosaur! If they can turn animals into vampires can they turn insects and other animals into vampires too? I don't know about ALL vampires but the vampire Count Vlad Dracula specifically can turn into a bat, and a wolf, and (this isn't an animal but whatever) a mist. But it’s not always that they can control animals, some tales say that they can also transform into … Vampires can choose to live on only animals and blood bags Source: Hollywood idealization of vampirism as something that can be rehabilitated and reintegrated into human society. 13 Answers. Can they? I dont think animals would turn into vampires but i am not certain.