While no one argues against the importance of water to life on Earth, it's fair to wonder if life could exist elsewhere without it. Water and its importance 1. Scientists are almost certain that, at a minimum, life requires a liquid of some sort to survive, with ammonia and formamide being the most promising alternatives. Importance of Water in Human Beings. The answer is a resounding "maybe." It cannot be substituted with any other liquid substance whether its milk, juice or any other energy drink. No other substance on earth is abundant as water. Water is transparent: The role of water in an ecosystem is manifold: It provides minerals and nutrients for physical organisms, a home or breeding grounds for multiple life forms and a fundamental building block that supports life. As it cycles from its gaseous phase in the atmosphere, to its liquid and solid forms on the earth, it provides life for an entire planet. Water is necessary not only for drinking but also for our day to day life purposes like bathing, cooking, cleaning, and washing and so on. Read the whole post to … Every form of life depends on water in one form or other for its subsistence. And if there is a lack in the human body of this substance then it may lead to many types of discomforts. Water and its importance 1. Through precipitation mainly rainfall, liquid water is made available to plants as surface water, soil moisture, or groundwater. The importance of water in the ecosystem makes water a key element for sustaining life as it is a foundational building block that supports the biochemistry of all life on the planet. Water is one of the main constituents on earth. For example:- we can not make our food , wash clothes and utensils etc. In ancient cultures water represented the very essence of life. In humans, water helps with transporting and replenishing nutrients. It comprises about 70-90% of the body or even more on fresh weight basis, although only a small fraction of the water absorbed is utilized. • All living things need water to survive. Water is the mother liquid of all forms of life. Although other compound-solvent pairs that could exist in very specific physical environments could be envisaged, the elements essential to carbon and water-based life are among the most common in the universe. But below 4°C water become less dense because they placed apart because of it so ice is less dense than liquid water and floats on surface water surface ice insulated the underwater film freezing and protect the aquatic life. 2. 2. Water is a dynamic medium, continually changing from liquid, to solid, to gas. Can you imagine living without water? 7. Can you imagine living without water? The Romans were the first to pipe water into their growing cities, especially with their aqueducts. Water has lower density on freezing: Water has maximum density at 4°C. For example:- we can not make our food , wash clothes and utensils etc. Approximately 75 percent of the human body is water. • All living things need water to survive. importance of water. "Water really is at that sweet spot," Glazer said. Water is vital in our life due to the following reasons. Biological Importance of Water. What are the activities you would not be able to do if there is no water supply to your home. We pollute water basins, rivers, and even the atmosphere that provides us with this precious commodity. Liquid water is essential for life as we know it, i.e. We need to take initiatives to save water whether there is … What are the activities you would not be able to do if there is no water supply to your home. We cannot imagine a life without water. Insufficient water content in the human body results in severe dehydration, which is often accompanied by kidney failure, seizures, and swelling in the brain. Water helps improve the circulation of oxygen throughout the body. The answer is a resounding "maybe." The essentiality of water for living systems is quite evident as without water, there is no life. IMPORTANCE OF WATER Water is our lifeline that bathes us and feeds us. From an early age we have been taught the water cycle and how it sustains life, but we still continue to take it for granted. Its importance is furthermore described in detail in this post. No other substance on earth is abundant as water. 6. Water is the mother liquid of all forms of life.