What’s more, in some places, jays recognize the sound of small birds striking windows. They are fun, interesting and intelligent. When you are thinking of an Animal Spirit who can represent lasting bonds between two or more people, Blue … They are common throughout their range, which includes the eastern two-thirds of the continent. The corvids are wary as well as smart. (Another black mark: deceit.) Gray jays in the Blue Mountains have the top of their heads white, while birds in the Cascades and Coast ranges have white restricted to the forehead. Blue Jays also enjoy eating from suet feeders, but be sure not to leave the suet for too long in the summer months as it will go rotten. They’re corvids, in the same family as crows and ravens, both also renowned for their intelligence. Blue Jays are large, bold songbirds that live across much of North America. Besides the standard jay jay or jeer jeer call often used as a scold, blue jays also emit a variety of squeaks, rattles, and croaks, in addition to mimicking other birds’ calls. Blue jays possess a number of habits that draw attention from humans (and other birds). American Crow Corvus brachyrhyncos American crows are common, but that doesn’t make them any less spectacular. In temperate areas, most members of the group are partly or entirely black, blue, iridescent blue or iridescent purple. With blue jays, as with anything, the good comes with the not so good. One unproven theory is that jays are trying to trick other birds into believing a raptor is present. Blue jays are extremely smart, like others in the Corvidae family (i.e., ravens and crows), displaying problem-solving skills, ingenuity in feeding strategies, and excellent defensive measures. The “hawk call” is typically heard when a jay is in an excited state, perhaps approaching a feeding station. If you hear a sound in the woods that is loud and unmusical, chances are good that it’s … Blue Jays are one of the smartest birds you’ll see visiting your feeder. Corvidae is a cosmopolitan family of oscine passerine birds that contains the crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies, choughs, and nutcrackers. Blue Jays are known for their intelligence and complex social systems with tight family bonds. Their nares (nasal openings) are fringed by bristle-like feathers known as rictal bristles. Crows also show signs of coming to one another's aid; the cawing of a common crow will bring crows from everywhere around, ready to mob the predator. Or … Crows belong to the smartest bird family on the planet, Corvids! Blue Jay Identification, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology The corvids are wary as well as smart. Particularly in the north on those long … One morning I was sitting near a window in my house when a Palm Warbler hit it. Crows also show signs of coming to one another's aid; the cawing of a common crow will bring crows from everywhere around, ready to mob the predator. Similarities: * Both are passerines. This family gathers several species which voices and actions marked different human cultures centuries ago. Blue Jays are big, loud rambunctious birds and would not make a good pet. Many sport teams adopted Blue Jays as mascots, such as the Toronto Blue Jays, Bluefield Blue Jays, Johns Hopkins University's Blue Jays and the Westminster Blue Jays.