Unit 24B is one of many units that experienced a decline in mule deer numbers over the past twenty years due to inconsistent rainfall patterns. Due to the variety of habitat types found in Unit 24B, it is common for mule deer and whitetail deer to be found in the same areas. Access to some units can be problematic; a call to a biologist in southern Arizona will help you sort through the best units to apply for as well as good second, third, and so forth options, and assist you in navigating access. Despite the lower numbers of permits, there are still some nice mule deer bucks to be found, but pre-season scouting will … There is salvation in no one else! I am Not saying to hunt on the courses, but there many deer that feed and drink on them. Thanks! I plan on hunting north of Globe, Unit 24A. Typical mule deer habitat in 24B includes desert scrub in the peripheral portions of the unit, as well as the higher desert and grassland vegetation found within the mountainous interior portions of the unit. I live in the North Valley. I am new to this, so please help out. Such areas tend to provide the more open habitats that mule deer … Not sure what I did wrong or maybe that’s just how mule deer hunting goes sometimes. Game Management Unit 24B. i put in for the 24b coues hunt December 13-31st 2019. this will be my first deer hunt if i get drawn. Mule deer occur throughout the unit, with the majority being found on National Forest lands in the southern part of the unit. Essentially, it could take decades of applying to get drawn for a premier hunt for one of Arizona’s world class mule deer. I ran into some guys that were scouting for their mulie tag, and in 2 … This unit has both general firearms deer and archery deer hunting opportunities. as for where they are, Gold Canyon, Queen Valley, they are some outside globe 0n the West side of the boundry of the unit of 24B. These maps are 1:100,000-scale and include unit boundaries, … First time archery hunting this year, OTC style. Scouted up there some and have seen both white-tail and mule deer. High quality 36" x 48" printed Unit 24B hunt maps shipped to your door. However, the area also has a very low deer population. Parts of New Mexico have good coues deer hunting as well. I have read both units have some large mule deer taken every year. ... Below are the units we believe will offer a DIY hunter the best chance of tagging a mule deer buck in an Arizona OTC deer unit. Maps, GPS, Unit Scouting Service Acts 4:12. I am very new to hunting. These hunts include the Arizona strip (Units 13A or 13B) or Kaibab (Units 12A East, 12A West and 12B) for mule deer. The Arizona license year begins on Jan. 1 st and some units have late season hunting seasons open until Jan 31st. help coues unit 24b. Arizona DIY Hunts - Products for the do it yourself, unguided coues deer, mule deer, elk, javelina and bear hunter. Shop Unit 24B Hunt Maps. During the mid 1980s permit numbers were as high as 2,000. By bradleylarson48, June 11, 2019 in Coues Deer Hunting ... for Christmas, and I have been going out for rabbits with my shotgun.