BEARDED DRAGON CARE SHEET Animal waste should be ‘spot cleaned’ as soon as it appears. BEARDED DRAGON care sheet CAGING NEEDED 10-20 gallon terrarium with secure lid. Bearded Dragon Care Sheet Introduction Welcome to our Bearded Dragon Care Sheet. This is our complete bearded dragon care guide. Any Bearded Dragon care sheet should mention using sand as a substrate. Bearded dragons, or 'beardies', are one of the most popular lizards in captivity in the UK. They are usually even-tempered and seem to tolerate human interaction. It contains everything you need to know to be able to properly care for any bearded dragon regardless of age. A thorough care sheet on how to take care of your bearded dragon, from selecting them from a clutch to caring for them as adults. Bearded Dragons make a wonderful pet for both beginners and advanced reptile keepers. This Bearded Dragon Care Sheet will cover everything you need to know on raising healthy and happy bearded dragons. Image: Jeanne Melanson, Shirley, 12/2014 Enclosure Substrate. Due to their placid nature and hardiness, these lizards have found themselves becoming more popular as pets. "Bearded" refers to a flap of skin under the chin that they extend when disturbed. This makes them extremely popular pets, but it’s important to do your research before bringing your new beardie home. This care sheet consists of all the valuable information that's available on our site, except we have put it into an easy to follow manual. Multiple hiding areas consisting of non-toxic plants, branches and/or hide box. On They are usually even-tempered and seem to tolerate human interaction. Climbing branches. With a bit of attention and some good literature, you will quickly master the hidden meanings behind their funny arm waving, head bobbing, and other beardie displays. Basking rock. Our Bearded Dragon care sheet offers in-depth information regarding proper care for the inland/central Bearded Dragon. Due to their docile nature and facts bearded dragon care sheet “Bearded” refers to a flap of skin under the chin that they extend when disturbed. Download our care sheets today! Sign In. These behaviors are not random – they all have their meanings. Bearded dragon’s behavior and communication are really interesting to observe. As wild animals in captivity, it's important you keep them in a way that mimics the wild as much as possible. Bearded dragons are a type of ancient lizard, originally from the deserts of central Australia. Bearded Dragon Care Guide.pdf. We wanted to provide a page where you could go to find out as much information as possible on keeping bearded dragons, and we hope this will become your go-to resource! Bearded Dragon pogona vitticeps. This Bearded Dragon Care Sheet will cover just about everything you need Bearded Dragon Habitat Setup and Care: Bearded dragons are smart, fun, and curious and are considered the most docile creatures among the lizard world. Our bearded dragon care sheet offers tips and information for new bearded dragon owners to lifelong reptile keepers. What to use on the bottom of your bearded dragon cage is a highly debated topic — namely, to use sand or not.If a Bearded Dragon picks up its food from the bottom of the tank, and you’ve laid down sand, a significant amount of sand may be digested over time. Zilla provides expert care sheets for reptile and amphibian owners and those interested in purchasing a pet reptile. Be careful as reptiles can carry Salmonella. Bearded Dragon Care Guide.pdf. Central Bearded Dragon Care Sheet General information The central or inland Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps) is wide spread throughout central Australia’s arid woodlands and deserts. Wash your hands before and after cleaning or handling to reduce the spread of infection between you and the lizard and other animals. For advice on how to look after a bearded dragon download our bearded dragon care sheet (PDF 350KB) Bearded Dragon Health & Behavior. Bearded Dragons - Care Sheet (Pogona Vitticeps) Introduction These gentle beasts are from Australia but are now readily available due to their willingness to breed in captivity. Client Education—Bearded Dragon Care of the Australian Bearded Dragon Native to the Australian desert, bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) are members of the family Agama that includes frilled dragons (Chlamydosoaurus kingii) and Asian water dragons (Hydrosaurus amboinensis).Bearded dragons commonly attain a length of 2 feet (including the tail). Bearded dragons are a type of ancient lizard, originally from the deserts of central Australia. BEDDING & WATER NEEDS Pine pellets or calcium sand can be used but if … We will take you down each step of bearded dragon husbandry – from setting up the enclosure to organizing a consistent feeding schedule. Clean the vivarium once a month with a reptile-safe disinfectant, then rinse off well. The Care Sheet is split up into ten pages, each on a different topic.