Unlike other birds, Owls have no Crop. •The beak is a thick, keratinized structure. Different animals have evolved different types of digestive systems specialized to meet their dietary needs. Similarities They both have an oesophagus, mouth, and two types of intestines. 'Efficient' means that birds must locate, ingest, & digest food as quickly and efficiently as possible. They regurgitate their food and have four compartments in their stomach. •The beak continues to grow throughout the bird’s life and wears off as it is used. Both cow and human contain 32 teeth. EXCRETORY SYSTEM OF LIZARD AND COMPARE WITH THAT PIGEON AND RABBIT. The eagles digestive system … Our digestive system is longer, and has a transverse colon. A typical bird's digestive tract is usually considered to consist of the parts listed at the right. Mammals have highly developed digestive system because of the amount they eat and the size they eat compared to other animals. The process of digestion has three stages. The bird’s digestive system is different than many other animals. Thank Lizard,bird and rabbit all these three animals come under the group amniota. To understand bird digestion, watch birds eating different foods and observe their behavior before, during, and after a meal. In the process of evolution, those avian species that developed simple but effective digestive systems were more able to fly and hence survive, as the simple digestive system would be lighter in weight. The pharynx (FAIR-ingx) is the part between the mouth and the esophagus, much involved with swallowing.The esophagus is the tube leading down from the pharynx.. Esophagus •The bird’s esophagus is a fairly wide diameter tube. Different modes of lives create diverse feeding habits in different animals. Other than that, though, we have all the same organs, I think. That’s why normal chicken droppings contain white urates mixed with darker digested material. They eat 16 to 20 hours a day! Now, a bird's stomach has two parts: For birds that fly, mass affects flying ability so, in general, they need to keep their weight at some optimal level. Observing when and how birds eat is the first step to learning more about their eating habits and digestion. Birds have evolved a digestive system that includes a gizzard where the food is crushed into smaller pieces. Organs you may never heard of that are part of the bird’s digestive system are the crop, the proventriculus, and the gizzard. Digestion involves the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. The Human Digestive System Similarly the earthworm has the same digestive system with a few independent functions specifically for the worm. The cow digestive system is not at all like the human digestive system. Cow vs Human Digestive System . Similarities Between Cow and Human Digestive System. The taking away of nitrogenous un wanted waste products from the body is called excretion. They have organs not seen in most other animals because they are specifically designed for certain tasks that only the bird carries out. A crop is a loose sac in the throat that serves as storage for food for later consumption. Relatively speaking, chimpanzees have much bigger large intestine (colon) than humans do. The digestive system of cow and human comprises teeth, mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and a large intestine.