Cornell Lab sapsucker logo Cornell Lab of Ornithology logo Caves and Kiwi - Day Tour to Waitomo Caves with Bush and Beach, Auckland CBD. The Auckland Islands (Māori: Motu Maha or Maungahuka) are an archipelago of New Zealand, lying 465 kilometres (290 mi) south of the South Island.It includes Auckland Island, Adams Island, Enderby Island, Disappointment Island, Ewing Island, Rose Island, Dundas Island and Green Island, with a combined area of 625 km 2 (240 sq mi). Volcanic in origin, they comprise six islands and several islets, with a total land area of 234 square miles (606 square km), and have a cool, humid, and windy climate. Meet our native & exotic birds at the zoo! Volcanic in origin, this island group has a fascinating natural and human history. The The Auckland Island snipe, Auckland Island teal, Auckland rail and the tomtit are all endemic to the Auckland Islands. Visit the Auckland Islands which lies south of mainland New Zealand in the Subantarctic region. Auckland Island merganser, Mergus australis, found in New Zealand Birds' bird gallery section, includes general information about the bird, taxonomy, description, where to find them and other useful and interesting information. The island boasts some of the best sandy beaches out of all the islands close to Auckland city, as well as some spectacular walks. Learn about Auckland Islands Teal: explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world. Land birds. Learn about Auckland Islands Teal: explore photos, sounds, and observations collected by birders around the world. New Zealand Birds for Sale, Adoption, Buy, Sell @ Classifieds - New Zealand Birds for Sale, Adoption, Buy, Sell for over 1000+ cities, 500+ regions worldwide & in New Zealand - free,classified ad,classified ads Teal remain abundant on the smaller islands in the group, but have been extirpated on the main island through predation by introduced cats and pigs. This group is for anyone with an interest in NZ's wild birds, particularly those in the Auckland Region. Auckland Zoo commits to conservation partnerships for endangered native birds such as Kiwi, Kea, Whio & Tīeke. New Zealand birdwatching directory, listing New Zealand birding sites, a map showing general location of listed birding sites, access to field guides and extensive information about New Zealand's birds.. The Auckland Islands Marine Mammal Sanctuary was established in 1993. The island also holds significant early settler and Maori heritage sites. The island’s magic starts before anyone steps off the ferry: loud, ringing … Tiritiri Matangi is now a template for island restoration and endangered species management. The bird gallery links to in-depth descriptions of most New Zealand birds. Animal life includes birds, wild cattle, fur seals, sea lions, and sea elephants.