Marathi Grammar. Birds Name for Kids Basic Learning |Preschool| [Unit # 10] - Duration: 3:30. Its interests include birds, butterflies, insects & flowers. Marathi.TV Editorial Team, Feb 11, 2020. नाम (Noun) सर्वनाम (Pronoun) नामाचे प्रकार(Types of Noun) विशेषण (Adjective) क्रियापद (Verb) काळ (Tense) वचन (Singular-Plural) संख्या (Numbers) समानार्थी शब्द (Synonyms) NATURE WEB is mainly focusing on inspiring others to care about nature. This is a list of animal sounds.This list contains words used in the English language to represent the noises and vocalizations of particular animals, especially noises used by animals for communication.The words which are used on the list are in the form of verbs, though many can also be used as nouns or interjections, and many of them are also specifically onomatopoeias (labelled "OP"). You Might Also Like! About NATURE WEB. Eagle Information in. English Name Hindi Name Marathi Name Bear भालू(bhAlU) अस्वल(asval) Buffalo भैंस(bhaiMs) म्हैस(mhais) Camel उंट(uMT) उंट(uMT) Cat बिल्ली(billI) मांजर(mAMjar) Cheetah Call SangFroid Kennels - O986O777723 ( Calls so can assist you a better way ) The of the Puppies Depend upon the Quality of the Puppy and Provide the Best Quality Puppies All Over India. Tags: Bird Information in Marathi. Home Based School 545,708 views NATURE WEB strongly promotes the environmental conservations and biodiversities. Duck Information in.