The name Lauren is a Latin Baby Names baby name. During this year, 11590 babies were named Lauren, which was 0.3359% of the baby girls born in the USA that year. My name is Lauren Michelle and I find that it is a popular middle name for Lauren's. Usage of lauren as a first name is 80.7 % and its usage as a middle name is 19.3 %. A submission from Virginia, U.S. says the name Lauren means "Relevant" and is of English origin. She loves arroz con leche (rice pudding). You like to specialize in whatever you undertake. This name gives you an optimistic outlook on life. I like the spelling of Lauren not of Lorin or Lawren. My name is Lauren and I am a certified nutritionist. I'm not saying they are wrong spellings but I am just saying that Lauren has so many different spellings. L auren as a girls' name (also used less widely as boys' name Lauren) is pronounced LAWR-en. The song tells the story of a romantic relationship in which one of the partners doesn’t love the other very much. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Lauren is "the bay, or laurel plant". According to a user from Texas, U.S., the name Lauren means "Crowned with laurel leaves". In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Lauren is: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). Tarshis also works as Scholastic where she serves as the editorial director for language arts. Lauren is allergic to perfume She is 23 years old, born on June 27, 1996. The most Lauren families were found in Canada in 1911. Facts about Lauren Tarshis 8: as the editorial director. I love my name and I would NOT change it. In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Lauren is: Laurel tree or sweet bay tree (symbols of honour and victory). Lauren Wood was born at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. I also find that people often misspell Lauren, such as Loriin, Lorne, Lauryn. The I Survived comes in several books. It's Lor-in. According to a user from Rwanda, the name Lauren is of Hebrew origin and means "Love, mountain laurel,relevant, victorious one and crowned with laurel leaves". The Holy Kale was created to inspire your quest for health. Lor-in is not a males spelling/pronuciation. ; You are self-expressive, philanthropic, clever, and ambitious. Originally a masculine name, it was first popularized as a feminine name by actress Betty Jean Perske (1924-), who used Lauren Bacall as her stage name. On 1 June 2010, Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 was published. It provides real answers, effective tools, and fun ways to change your health. New York had the highest population of Lauren families in 1840. Your name of Lauren has brought you enjoyment in working with people in circumstances in which you can organize and direct their efforts, preferably in an executive position.