In this article I want to describe my experiences with keeping and breeding the astonishing Redstripe Ribbon Snake. The red-bellied snake usually lives in or near open woods but occasionally is seen in wet meadows or pastures. More snakes likely to be in yard? While body shapes are often generalizable for a given species, occasionally snake species deviate from their typical shapes. Baby snake: solid dark black with red marking on head, 6-8" long,very slender like an earthworm. 45 Snake Species That are Found in Louisiana. SNAKE IDENTIFICATION (Click on the name of the Species below to get more information about them) Australia is truly the land of the reptile, with over 200 snake and over 700 lizard species. The head has various markings of red bordered by black on top. 5 Locate an identification book for snakes or search online, and compare the photos and descriptions to your observations and photos. Grey-banded Kingsnake. ... Red Bellied Black Snake, Pseudechis porphyriacus. Common Tree Snake, Dendrelaphis punctulata. Photo by Jason Nelson. This species can easily be distinguished from all other small woodland snakes by their unmarked bright orange to red underside. Last night I had a dream about a black snake, but it was more then once. They are the only venomous snake in Texas that is brightly colored red, yellow, and black bands completely encircling the body. Among these are several species of southeastern snakes commonly called “black snakes” because of their primarily black coloration. Its head is small, somewhat flattened with a rounded snout and is darker in color than the rest of the body. Learning the patterns of these markings—called rings or crossbands depending on how far they wrap around the snake—can help identify the animals and aid in personal safety. The snake can be in many different colors including gray, blue, black and brown. - CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO. The underside, in all cases, is white and patterned with brick-red, black or brown spots. The red-bellied snake usually lives in or near open woods but occasionally is seen in wet meadows or pastures. What is it? Other species are usually slender for their length. Identification: The White-crowned Snake is gun-metal grey above and below with a cream stripe around the snout and neck area. The species presents a very striking and distinctive coloration – namely a bright red head and tail with a black body that includes a low-lateral narrow bluish white stripe. It can be a large, heavy-bodied snake. ... or nearly black, with pale black or dark brown crossbands. No neck and smooth. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. It frequently hides under rocks or other objects. Name? I live next to a pond with lots of frogs, etc. The common garter snake has a red tongue with a black tip. Last year I saw a glossy jet black snake with a bright red stripe down the middle of the back starting at the base of the head. The belly is white or cream. Slender species include rough greensnakes, several of the woodland snakes (wormsnakes, ringneck snakes, red-bellied snakes), black racers and ribbonsnakes. ... if it has a diamond red symbol on its head its dangerous I wouldn't hold it until you know what it is here are some web site to help determine what you have hoep i helped . - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist. Occasionally individuals are found that are gray with a brown or orange stripe down the center of the back. I just saw a 5 to 6 ft snake, black at the head through about half the body then gets lighter throught he rest of the body, white to a very light gray at the tail. Because harmless Texas scarlet snakes and Louisiana and Mexican milk snakes share the red, black, yellow coloration pattern, it is … Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus, the Redstripe Ribbon Snake is with its striking red middorsal stripe a highly attractive and still rarely kept and bred subspecies of T.proximus. Description. The first black snake when I felt it was soft, the 2nd time was I was outside in my backyard walking around while a friend or family member was on the fence talking about religion and how he or she couldn’t decide and why it was so complicated. It has a pair of large, light-colored spots on the head, a black back and an orange stripe in the middle of the back. Identification: The Northern Ringneck Snake is shiny and uniformly dark blue to black in color with a slim band of orange or yellow scales that form a ring around its neck. Having large, smooth scales, the general appearance of the red-headed krait is glossy and attractive. The ringneck snake can be spotted easily as it has a brightly colored ring around the base of its head resembling a ring. Had a baby snake in yard with bright red head and black body,what kind is it? Red milk snakes are usually associated with dry, open woodlands and woodland edges. The Red-naped Snake is a small reddish brown snake with darker netted pattern. The head and neck are black with red or orange patch on back of head. Many individuals have a light brown ring behind the head. The Red-naped Snake is a small reddish brown snake with darker netted pattern. I assume it was a juvenile as it was only about 8" long. The reason I encounter this snake so often is because it is not only common, but small - and thus it …