BLACK BEAR. Answer Save. Often, a bear will end his wandering and decide to return to his den. Bear Kills Moose in Alaska Driveway as Residents Watch | Fox News Fox News How Many People Are Killed by Moose Each Year? I Think( Rifle 270) it is the best for this game.. Cheap stock ammo 270 x10 only 440 $. My record distance kill .. 339 meters. I had an encounter on the Appalachian Trail with a black bear momma rushing to defend yearling cubs – and gnashing her teeth, a sign of extreme anger or agitation. I'm waiting for bleeding. While the average black bear is no bigger than your average white-tailed buck, it's much heavier boned. a full grown grizzly or a full grown bull moose. Alaska Trophy Bull Age Class. Ohhh that moose would so take the bear down. Favorite Answer. When a bear decides to return to his den, it will do so in the most direct path, even if it is kilometres away. Couple wake up Sunday morning to find grizzly bear taking down moose in their driveway; they tape it, put it up on YouTube. 9 Answers. could a moose kill a bear? You will want to ensure you are going to kill the bear … ... because I didn’t want to have to kill … Bear draw weight. Moose are tall animals, often standing taller than a man, not to mention they can turn on a dime faster than a man can, making it impossible to knife-kill a moose. I have seen the moose … I know of a guy who as a teen was rabbit hunting with a 410 when he came across an angry bear. Moose are the biggest deer. The bear charged him, but the guy was lucky enough to shoot the bear in … Maybe so, but its really hard to say definitively given that you can not see the whole map. Have you seen the SIZE of them?! head to head who would win. A moose can fight off an entire wolf pack, a kodiak shouldn't be too much. This is because moose, no matter if it's a cow or a bull, can still rip a man apart with those sharp hooves or gore him with antlers (if it's a bull). The bear charged him, but the guy was lucky enough to shoot the bear in the head at near point blank range as it ran towards him. I can't see a bear … Trophy class bulls can be throughout Alaska, some of the largest come from the western portion of the state. Alaskan Moose occasionally produce trophy-size antlers when they are 6 or 7 years old, with the most massive antlers grown at approximately 10 to 12 years of age. could a moose kill a bear? Scaring them often also prompts them to return to their den, making tracking a scared bear easier if you first can locate its den. The draw weight that can be used for bear hunting should be set accurately in order to get the most out of your hunting experience. I know of a guy who as a teen was rabbit hunting with a 410 when he came across an angry bear. And ammo cartridge in rifle x 4 .We can fast time shooting 4 times.It's important when we attack a bear. a full grown grizzly or a full grown bull moose. For instance, the lodge at BR is a small enclosed area, that you can travel end to end and be very unlikely to miss the moose, at least as far as map available to us goes. 7 Signs You’re Going to be Attacked by a Moose. 0 … Relevance. Answer Save. 9 Answers. A 410 can kill a bear. I can easily kill all animals only use Rifle 270. Yeah the revolver can be a effective hunting weapon if used correctly, its pretty ineffcient against big animals like the bear and moose. Relevance. 1 decade ago. Fortunately for everyone involved, Phil stopped the raging brown bear with a 9mm pistol at Phil Shoemaker, an experienced Alaskan hunting and fishing guide, was guiding a couple of clients on a salmon fishing trip in the Becharof National Wildlife Refuge in southwestern Alaska when they had a close range encounter with an angry bear.