What are the different hardware that will be needed by producer of the voice mail the srvice provider and the beneficiary . When do bourbon red turkey hens lay eggs? When do bourbon red turkey hens lay eggs? Hello Folks, we have a great looking flock of 23 Bourbon Red Turkeys. 6 BOURBON RED Turkey Fertile Hatching Eggs Fresh NPIP Certified Heritage Breeder - $40.00. When planning our farm, the thought of sitting down to lunch with a fresh roast heritage turkey sandwich or celebrating a holiday feast with a tasty home-raised bird was too good to pass up. Orginally developed in Kentucky in the late 19th century, the breed is undergoing a 21st-century renaissance. ... She lays off white eggs. The MW hatched a month earlier. This variety was developed from the Buff, an historic variety of turkey known in the Mid-Atlantic States. Generally turkey egg season is from spring to early summer. We have one tom and five hens, and our hens randomly lay eggs all over the yard and their pen. We're struggling to hatch out our eggs. This is some basic info to help you get the most successful hatch possible out of your turkey eggs. The Bourbon Red is a breed of domestic turkey named for its unique reddish plumage and for Bourbon County, Kentucky.The breed standard indicates that mature Bourbon Red toms (males) weigh 15 kilograms (33 pounds), and mature hens (females) weigh 8.2 kilograms (18 pounds). Unanswered Questions. They are prolific egg layers and tend to go broody quickly. They are in identical coops and feed, right next to each other. Hey there again! Many have found that Beltsville Whites are great egg layers. Unanswered Questions. Once broody they are solid sitters and do well raising the poults. Two weeks ago, I discovered one of my hens had been sneaking off to a spot by the neighbor's cellar and was sitting on 13 eggs. What are the different hardware that will be needed by producer of the voice mail the srvice provider and the beneficiary . There are many breeds of turkey to choose from, so picking the type we wanted was a lot of fun. any tom will breed any hen. Got her as a week-old poult in, ohhhhhh, mid-April I guess. She started laying an egg a day in late October. Some people have posted that their turkeys were laying in December. Red hens lay various shades of brown to reddish eggs. Just got them yesterday. Bourbon Reds, reddish-brown turkeys with white tail feathers, are among the larger heritage breeds. When planning our farm, the thought of sitting down to lunch with a fresh roast heritage turkey sandwich or celebrating a holiday feast with a tasty home-raised bird was too good to pass up. Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys - Egg Hatching Tips - Rare and or Heritage turkey color genetics resource Also, consumers joined in by spending up to $200 per turkey to support the farmers raising these breeds. Chickens begin laying eggs at about five months of age, but turkeys don’t have their first cycle until more than two months later. If you are raising turkeys for eggs, another disadvantage is that the turkey hen will lay fewer eggs since she stops laying while broody and raising her poults. Small farmers and backyard flock keepers rallied to save the heritage breed turkeys. We do our own turkeys every other year or so. My Bourbon Reds have been laying for a couple weeks, the midget whites, not yet. The Bourbon Red turkey is named for Bourbon County in Kentucky’s Bluegrass region where it originated in the late 1800’s. We have years of weight and measurement records, egg laying records, fertility records, and hatch records showing production performance on our turkeys. Bourbon Reds reach sexual maturity between 7 and 8 months of age but generally won’t begin laying … My 3 Bourbon Red hens are about 9 months old and I started getting an egg here and there oh maybe 7 weeks ago. We raise between 100 and 500 young turkeys each … These are my methods and they work for me, if you have a … The cycle of turkey egg laying is a bit more fickle than one might find in chickens. The breed standard indicates the Bourbon Red should weigh 10.4 kilograms (23 pounds) for toms and 6.3 kilograms (14 … The breed standard indicates the Bourbon Red should weigh 10.4 kilograms (23 pounds) for toms and 6.3 kilograms (14 … I raise 6 varietes of heritage turkeys and they don't all start laying at the same time. In addition to keeping chickens on our little homestead, we decided to raise turkey. Our Flocks are rotated through our cover crops and market garden plots throughout the summer. Butchered out to a six pound carcass (with legs, neck and cleaned feet) on November 20th. The Bourbon Red is a breed of domestic turkey named for its unique reddish plumage and for Bourbon County, Kentucky.The breed standard indicates that mature Bourbon Red toms (males) weigh 15 kilograms (33 pounds), and mature hens (females) weigh 8.2 kilograms (18 pounds).