This rare retreat into less fantastical territory by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger is also a rare treat. Auf DVD und wenn erschienen auch in Blu-ray und in der 3D-Version! Jetzt bequem online bestellen. Far from being an indicator of the decline of the creative genius of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, The Small Back Room harkens back to the pair's earlier black-and-white period … The Small Back Room falls into the latter category. Du bist ein großer Filmfan. The interiors in this black-and-white picture, after a trio in Technicolor, are close and dimly lit, but rustic exteriors (including Stonehenge) and a surrealistic set piece add welcome flair. Instead, it’s simpler to rip your Blu-Rays to your computer and play them in whatever app you want. Blu-ray Player für den besonderen Filmgenuss. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up. The UBD-M9500 4K Blu-ray player by Samsung has been designed to pair perfectly with the tech giant's own curved TVs. To this day, there are very few ways to watch your Blu-Ray collection on your computer without shelling out cash for the privilege, even if you already own a Blu-Ray drive and bought your movies. It runs on Samsung's SmartHub platform, which is one of the best in the business. Dafür lässt du die Leinwand herunter, schaltest Beamer, Blu-Ray-Player und Soundanlage an, setzt dich in deinen gemütlichen Sessel – und fühlst dich fast wie im echten Kino. Sammy Rice must take painkillers for his injured foot and becomes irritable at almost everything, from Waring's insults to the chitchat of the giddy night-clubber Gillian (June Elvin). Fast, free delivery. Einsteigermodelle mit smarten Funktionen. The Small Back Room is a great movie for anyone in a defeatist or depressed mood. In addition to being able to play UHD Blu-ray discs, the device has the ability to stream 4K HDR content from the likes of Amazon and Netflix. Hochwertige Blu-ray-Player können viel mehr, als Blu-rays in Full-HD-Auflösung abspielen. Rent The Small Back Room (1949) starring David Farrar and Kathleen Byron on DVD and Blu-ray. Wir bieten Ihnen die besten DVD-Neuheiten, Bestseller aus den DVD-Charts und preisgünstige Weltbild-Editionen, die Sie so günstig nur bei uns kaufen können. Mehrmals pro Woche schaust du dir abends in deinem Wohnzimmer einen Blockbuster aus Hollywood oder einen Klassiker der Filmgeschichte in deinem Heimkino an. The Small Back Room (original title) Not Rated | 1h 46min | Drama , Romance , Thriller | 23 February 1952 (USA) As the Germans drop explosive booby-traps on Britain in 1943, the embittered expert who'll have to disarm them fights a private battle with alcohol. The Small Back Room has been transferred to disc in its original full-frame aspect ratio of 1.33:1 and the results are impressive, capturing the rich blacks of Christopher Challis's Noir influenced camerawork with commendable clarity. Online shopping for Blu-ray 3D from a great selection at Movies & TV Store. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Small Back Room (DVD, 2008, Criterion Collection) at the best online prices at eBay! The Small Back Room - Criterion Collection is Highly Recommended.