Lions have sharper claws and a stronger teeth than Siberian tigers. Weird question. The lion will win since the lion has faster speed and a lion is a better fighter than any type of tiger. There are some considerable implications of this fact. A single tiger won't be able to kill even a single lion at once. Both tigers and lions gain reproductive maturity at around 2 years of age. If you were close to the lion/tiger and you shot it in the head, then it would probably kill it. Depending on how close you are again, you may be able to kill it with a good shot to the heart if you were close enough. The tiger does not win by intimidation and social challenge, he goes into a fight all or nothing. Tiger can very easly destroy kangal because of his power.A siberian tiger weights from 250kg to 420kg and has stronger bite from 1050PSI and kangal from 660PSI and has more agility so tiger wins.Tiger can eat more than 4 kangals. Three Elephants kill a Lion Erlend Sandnes. Of course, lions and tigers don’t coexist with anacondas, so this fight is never going to happen in real life. Loading... Unsubscribe from Erlend Sandnes? If the lion and the siberian tiger were fighting in a warm grassland, the lion would win. The world isn't all perfect. I would guess that the snake might win 10 fights out of 100 against a lion or tiger, if it was lucky. Yes, because a lion is a better fighter with sharper claws and teeth. Giraffe kills lion Giraffe attacks lion pride and kicks one of them to death - Duration: 4:15. A tiger might win, but a lion will win most of the time because: An African lion is larger cat than a Bengal tiger,with average length of 3.5m with the tail and 227-270kg (500-600Ib) while tigers 3.1m, and 227-300kg(500-660Ib) Finally a lion is a better fighter. If the lion and the siberian tiger were fighting in a cold snowy forest, the siberian tiger would win. When a Tiger fights, he fights to kill, not just to push aside someone and get better food. However, it depends on the place and weather. Lions can defeat asian tigers like bengal tigers, but siberian tigers would stand chances against lions. However, a tiger in a zoo will more likely kill a lion because if the tiger doesn't back down, the inexperienced captive-bred lion is quite outclassed. Giraffe kills lion Giraffe attacks lion pride and kicks one of them to death - Duration: 4:15. 1. Tigers are larger than lions and perhaps more powerful too but tigers are solitary animals while lions live in a pride. FILM AFRICA WILD 11,233,837 views Lions are more powerful and larger than tigers, but a group of attacking tigers would easily kill one lion.