African Grey is considered omnivore which means they can eat vegetables, fruits, and meat. The mixture should be soaked for at least 6 hours, then boiled for 10 minutes, and simmered for 20 more minutes and cooled before serving. As with any child, sometimes it can be a challenge to get them to eat their veggies so you might have to spend some time encouraging your African Grey Parrot to eat them. i gave my African grey shes 1 year old apples is it okay or is it toxic In small doses, caffeine may not be a problem for humans, but consider this. Most African Greys on a pelleted diet do not need them. They can also eat fresh fruit and monkey nuts (in there shells). It is specially formulated for African Greys and is free of husks and shells. the best and natural food of African … every day. African greys are usually very sensitive Parrots to any changes my African grey is very tame i can handle him almost as i want on my shoulder touch him under his wings BUT there have been times where i was removing his poop off and he was standing by me he got scared and wanted to bite me while i … Summary: In the wild, African Greys eat fruits, leaves, insects, bark and flowers. These should be cooked. By Tamara Labelle 6 Jul 2017 . Palm nuts are a natural addition to the diet for African Greys and many other parrots. If you get your bird on a good healthy parrot diet of fruits and greens, the disorder can be easily reversed. African Grey care ... some nutrition from the butternut and carrots. The product is available in both 4 and 20 pound bags. They provide a genuinely native food for your birds which can also stimulate the wild foraging instinct lacking with many avian diets. Not too much, though; there are reports of crop impactions from too much cheese. Provide an assortment of fresh, wholesome, organic vegetables. As with any child, sometimes it can be a challenge to get them to eat their veggies so you might have to spend some time encouraging your African Grey Parrot to eat them. African greys are known to enjoy carrots, corn, sweet potatoes, peas, squash, green beans, sprouts and kale. Apples, berries (all the same berries that you can eat), banana, oranges, seedless grapes, melons, kiwi, mango, papaya (remove the skin of the mango and papaya), almonds and unsalted peanuts or … It can lead to a fast heartbeat and hyperactivity. ... various beans, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes etc. Two or three fruits per day per bird is ample. We've compiled an extensive list of … Additionally, it can contribute to high blood pressure. You just have to get your bird to eat them. Many parrots have been known to appreciate a bone with tidbits of meat on it. They can, very much enjoy it, and in small, small quantities it does them no harm. What plants and food can you safely give your parrot? Since it moves away from the pure-pellet diets and includes dried fruit and vegetables, wait for your African Grey to finish the bowl before you replenish it so he can’t skim of the unhealthiest bits at every meal! Vegetables should be part of your African grey's regular diet -- up to 30 percent of his daily intake -- but if there are one or two types that he especially loves, reserve them as a special snack, or use snack time to introduce new ones. We all know that this ingredient is a chemical that can have not the best side effects on humans. Also there are loots of speacial treats that you cna buy. Super Foods For Your Parrot: Pulses. Many of the beverages that you may drink include caffeine.