Review by Nadine Keels ★★½ . All David and Goliath Movie Posters,High res movie posters image for David and Goliath Characters are killed in battle with wooden spikes to their chests. David and Goliath (1960) King Saul of the Israelites is visited in Jerusalem by the Prophet Samuel who foretells him that a war with The Philistines is … Original title: David e Golia (David and Goliath). The Philistines declare war on the Israelites and wrench the Arch of the Alliance from them. 5 Episodes. All Right Reserved. I LOVE the story of David and Goliath, but the movie missed the main part when David told Goliath that he is coming to him IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. Parents need to know that David and Goliath is a 2015 movie adaptation of the Old Testament story of a humble shepherd, with nothing but a slingshot and an unwavering faith in God, who defeats a vicious giant. WHAT IF YOU HAD TO FIGHT GOLIATH? Not only is there a lot of talk before the final confrontation between David and Goliath but the actual fight is dull beyond belief and the ensuing battle between the Philistines and Israelites is equally boring. When the Philistines attack, the Israelites are hopeless against the fierce giant Goliath and don't know what to do. Overall it was an okay movie. World's Greatest Story of Faith and Courage! Before David can take the throne, he must fight Goliath. 1960 ‘David e Golia ... My biggest problem with it was that the 'David and Goliath' part was over in about 3mins, which is kind of lame, I guess I just wanted a bit more! 'DAVID AND GOLIATH' opens on VOD (Video on Demand) nationwide on Sept 1, 2015. King Saul of the Israelites is visited in Jerusalem by the Prophet Samuel who foretells him that a war with The Philistines is inevitable and the shepherd David will become king. The role that was quoted was not scriptural. Saul (Orson Welles), the king of Israel, listens meanwhile to the words of the prophets who tell him that the new king will be a young shepard called David. AKA: David e Golia. Orson Welles stars in this familiar Old Testament tale about the Philistines and the Israelites. The best of the films so far for my cult film challenge! Buy Digital SD $3.99 Rent Digital SD $1.99. David is victorious and becomes the King of Israel. Well if there is a way to make the story of David and Goliath boring this accomplished the feat. Customer Reviews (3 reviews) 3 out of 5 stars. David And Goliath (1960) Fernandi Baldi, Richard Pottier (Director), Orson Welles, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Giulia Rubini, Ivo Payer (Actor) Format: DVD 4.0 out of 5 stars 117 ratings English dubbed. David e Golia (English translation: David and Goliath) is a 1960 Italian film directed by Ferdinando Baldi and Richard Pottier with sequences filmed in Israel and Yugoslavia. He was excellent in that role. Recommended. With Orson Welles, Ivica Pajer, Eleonora Rossi Drago, Massimo Serato. See Less. David and Goliath is a film directed by Ferdinando Baldi, Richard Pottier, ... with Orson Welles, Ivica Pajer, Hilton Edwards, Massimo Serato, .... Year: 1960. But on the otherhand, Orsen Welles played Saul to the tee. King Saul Ivica Pajer. Free bible movies about Ruth, Abraham, Elijah, Samson, Joseph, King David, Solomon. Directed by Ferdinando Baldi, Richard Pottier, Orson Welles.