LAYING ON THE TRESHING FLOOR Text: 1 Chronicles 21:18-28 Threshing - The separation of grain or seeds from the husks and straw. This was usually a two step process. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid fifty shekels of silver for them. God had instructed David to build the altar on the threshing floor where he would make atonement for the sins he had committed. Question: "Who was Araunah the Jebusite? The Threshing Floor: A Place of Worship? Threshing floors were used to separate grain from the chaff at harvest time. Ornan's Threshing Floor is a selection of journal entries, sermon parts and pieces, and both secular and faith-based writings by Stephen Carey, pastor of Main Street Mission. Answer: Araunah the Jebusite was a Canaanite who sold King David a site and supplies to make a sacrifice to the Lord, even though he himself does not appear to have been a believer in the God of Israel. In verse 17 David said. The time when we must lay upon the treshing floor and allow God to seperate us from the chaff in our life. Main Street Mission is a nondenominational Christian inner-city outreach ministry located in downtown Manchester at 57 Manchester St., Manchester, NH. David had to repent for the sins that he had committed. First, the cut stalks of grain were spread on the threshing… Gad came to David on that day and said to him, “Go up, erect an altar to Hashem on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.” So David went up as Gad had said, as Hashem had commanded. The land purchased from Araunah was eventually used as the site of the temple in Jerusalem. What was the threshing floor of Araunah?" 1 Kings 22:10 - Dressed in their royal robes, the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah were sitting on their thrones at the threshing floor by the entrance of the gate of … "even I it is that have sinned and done evil indeed." I. Threshing Floor - The place where the separation of grain or seeds from the husks and straw was carried out. This was a separation process. Araunah (Hebrew: אֲרַוְנָה ’Ǎrawnāh) was a Jebusite mentioned in the Second Book of Samuel, who owned the threshing floor on Mount Moriah which David purchased and used as the site for assembling an altar to God.The First Book of Chronicles, a later text, renders his name as Ornan (Hebrew: אָרְנָן ’Ārənān By Karen Holland ... 12-1-07 When you think of a threshing floor what do you think of? THERE ARE TIMES WHEN WE MUST LAY ON.