In the struggle, Set had lost a testicle, and Horus' eye was gouged out. Set or (Seth), his brother, was a god who was jealous of his father's power and decided to murder the father. This narration tells how Horus had to fight fiercely with his uncle Seth to avenge the death of his father Osiris. In the midst of this battle, Horus lost his eye. The vertical line below the eye of the Eye of Horus lends credence to the theory that Horus was modeled after the lanner falcon which often has a similar mark under its eyes. It may be bright red hair, a sense of humor, or maybe an eye patch or a magical hammer. Jealousy drove of Seth to kill his brother, Osiris, and scatter his body across the land. In the form of a youth, Horus was referred to as nfr ḥr.w "Good Horus", transliterated Neferhor, Nephoros or Nopheros (reconstructed as naːfiru ħaːruw). During these struggles, however, he lost one of his eyes. This is probably because of another myth that say that the sun and the moon were the right (sun) and left (moon) eyes of … The Eye of Horus (The Egyptian Eye) and Its Meaning September 10, 2017 by Metin The Eye of Horus is one of several ancient Egyptian symbols instantly recognizable as originating from that advanced civilization which has left the world so many wonders of architecture and learning. In another story, Horus loses his eye in a subsequent battle with Set. The eye is decorated with the markings that adorn the eyes of hawks. He was the son of Isis and Osiris.After fighting his uncle, Seth (Osiris and Isis' brother) he became the king of Egypt.During this fight, he lost his eye. His right eye was white representing the sun while his left eye was black representing the moon. Horus, Son To Ashur / Osiris, (Lost An Eye Battling Uncle Seth), Slide-Show: (SELECT REFRESH TO RE-START SLIDE-SHOWS) 1f - Egypt's ruling family gods, Enki & son Marduk established Egypt, & his descendants of royal gods kept it going as Earth's most advanced civilization of that era & most all others He had a man's body and a falcon's head. The eye was magically restored by Hathor , and this restoration came to symbolize the process of making whole and healing. After Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth, Horus fought with Seth for the throne of Egypt. For this reason, the symbol was often used in amulets. Horus was the Egyptian god of the Sky. While it was later restored to him by Thoth, the young deity laId his healed eye upon his father’s corpse as a sign of gratitude. He only had one eye because after Osiris was murdered by his brother Set, Horus fought with Set for the throne of Egypt. In the struggle, Set had lost a testicle, and Horus' eye was gouged out. Everyone always asks, “what happened to Fetty Wap’s eye?” New Jersey rapper Fetty Wap has spoken to a handful of media outlets, since releasing his hit song “Trap Queen.”. The waxing and waning of the moon was often though of a replay of the loss and subsequent healing of Horus’ eye.