Is Johnny sins die. Blue whales have few predators, although it is known that they suffer attacks by sharks and orcas; and many of them die or are injured when they hit large ships. Unanswered Questions. If the whales have not had contact with humans before then it is likely not to be afraid and swim away. Another species of whale that can potentially eat humans is the killer whale. But I believe you’ll find it much more interesting than many believe it to be. During the 19 th century, the heydays of the whale-oil trade, sperm whales regularly attacked whaling ships, biting the hulls or whipping the boats with their tails. The answer to this is not as complicated as many make it out to be. While it is accurate to say orcas have been killed by humans before it is nowhere near the scale as other w Why is it Killer Whales don't attack humans??? Scientists have discovered that by counting the layers of a deceased whale's waxlike earplugs, they can get a close estimate of the animal's age. 3. There have been cases of Orcas attackin humans, but this was due to Humans stupididy (of course a Killer Whale is going to charge or attack u if u decide to swim next to its baby DUH lol) but other than incedents like that they do not bother to attack us, hope that helped ya x Kat 1. Aside from orcas, there's nothing out there that will mess with a blue whale - they weigh 150 tons and are very fast. hi, from what I know, Orcas don't attack us simlpy becasue they do not see us as food! They mainly feed on squid and rarely attack, apparently only when mistaking other mammals for seals or prey. Why do humans attack Blue Whales? What is the pass marks for inter 1st year sanskrit. Given all the contact between boats and whales and people and whales, collisions are relatively rare and attacks are extremely rare. Orcas will attack blue whales, but can't kill them. 2. People used to, but fishing for blue whales was banned long ago. People are trying to stop the people who are killing them. There are docume nted reports of attacks against blue whales, carried out by Orcas. A humpback whale was seen interfering with this orca's attack on a crabeater seal in Antarctica, one of hundreds of incidents where humpbacks seem to protect other animals from orcas. However, there have been reports of whales (not sure if blue wales, but definitely other species of baleen whales) attacking whaling boats when a member of their pod is killed by these boats. For their body parts, as in blubber and meat to sell. These ferocious predators are equipped with strong, sharp teeth to do the tearing, but killer whales usually don’t show any desire to kill humans, just to eat them as dinner if they get too close. - Page 18 - Sharks and Marine Life & Cryptozoology. What is the passing marks in Sanskrit out of 100 in inter. Why killer whales do not eat people. If you are still interested whatch whale wars on tv. Today, blue whales are classified as one of the endangered species ( see article endandegered whales) by … To answer this, let me fine-tune the question slightly, and make it more specific. Expert opinion: Why orcas charged surfers … These ferocious predators are equipped with strong, sharp teeth to do the tearing, but killer whales usually don’t show any desire to kill humans, just to eat them as dinner if they get too close. Another species of whale that can potentially eat humans is the killer whale. Cumbaa: For the most part, whales are docile creatures and they want to be left alone to pursue their own mating and hunting. In regards to why killer whales don’t eat people there have been several attempts both scientifically and theoretically to explain their lack of desire to hunt or kill people. Sperm whales are relatively placid mammals and very few incidents in modern times suggest otherwise. Blue whales never attack humans and in most countries it is illegal to kill blue whales but in some countries they do kill blue whales it is very sad i know However given their big size, the orca prefers to confront the small calves, or the adult and sick whales. Blue whales are among Earth's longest-lived animals. Even these cases of killer whale attacks are very rare and are believed to be primarily isolated to a handful of attacks during training sessions and a performance. Why do humans attack Blue Whales? 4. There have been cases of Orcas attackin humans, but this was due to Humans stupididy (of course a Killer Whale is going to charge or attack u if u decide to swim next to its baby DUH lol) but other than incedents like that they do not bother to attack us, hope that helped ya x Kat The orca is the only known animal under the sea, that usually attacks the blue whales. Killer whales got uncomfortably close to a group of surfers in Norway this week, and marine-mammal experts are weighing in on the incident.