Starting a DJ Business Jun 25, 2012 Please post a photo here! The Difference Between Mist, Fog, Smog, Haze And Vog: There are a lot of different names for that stuff that causes reduced visibility—and an agonizingly long commute—in the morning. In low-lying areas, such as valleys and plains, the fog bank (a mass of fog) is essentially a cloud formation subject to the same wind and temperature reactions clouds experience in the upper atmosphere. Fog is formed when any cloud type makes contact with the ground. I was seeing this video for a while ago. I'd love to see some haze, mist or fog from where you are. Visibility less than 1,000 metres we call 'fog' and obscurity with visibility greater than 1,000 metres we call 'mist'. And humdity is high in early morning with haze (or is it mist) in the background of the city. So use this section to see whether haze, or any type of fog, is more suitable to your usage. Uses a special hazer liquid. Changing the Technics 1200 LEDS from Red to Blue Jun 27, 2012. However, fog does dissipate more quickly than haze, so it takes additional fluid and time to fill the room. Difference between Fog and Haze Machines in on Jun 21, 2012. Mist or fog is said to be caused by water vapor while haze is caused by pollution. Haze machines create a fine and subtle haze with a long ‘hang’ time – the particles linger in the air for a long time before dissipating making them ideal for use at shows and concerts. Mist typically is quicker to dissipate and can rapidly disappear with even slight winds, it's also what you see when you can see your breath on a cold day. Oil Based vs. Water Based. Mist vs. Fog Causes. And as you can see, there are quite a lot of effects that can be created with a fog machine. This is usually mineral oil based (not glycol). Dew is deposit of water drops that is formed on cold surfaces by condensation of water vapors in the air. There is fog and ground fog and this is determined by depth. The Difference Between Mist, Fog, Smog, Haze And Vog. It is NOT the same as fog liquid. And humdity is high in early morning with haze (or is it mist) in the background of the city. Key Difference: Fog is a cloud that appears near the ground or touches the ground. Visibility less than 1,000 metres we call 'fog' and obscurity with visibility greater than 1,000 metres we call 'mist'. Haze is caused by dry particles like dust or smoke. Elaborate more, in Islam our prophet Mohammad s.a.w. seriously reminded us to monitor and study mist, Anyway Rings are a planet wearing Hats at north and south or the musicians playing Cymbals, and Mist, Haze and Fog are A planet wearing a hat with a … Fog vs Mist .