Credit: Jerry/CC-BY 2.0. In the last 100 years, less than 12 white tigers have been seen in India. Tigers live in Asia, which is where their natural habitats are. White tigers are usually smaller (from childhood) than ordinary Bengal tigers, and often, due to closely related crossings, have various genetic defects, including strabismus, poor vision, clubfoot, curved spine and neck, kidney problems. Although the white tiger is a good swimmer, it’s a very poor climber. A white tiger is a Bengal tiger – it is not a species or sub-species of tiger as some people think. In the wild – longer. White tigers are one of the rare cats in the wild probably due to its less camouflaging ability. Male and female white tigers … Where do White Bengal Tigers Live. They existed in the wild in the Indian subcontinent till the 1950s. White tigers are usually smaller (from childhood) than ordinary Bengal tigers, and often, due to closely related crossings, have various genetic defects, including strabismus, poor vision, clubfoot, curved spine and neck, kidney problems. Where Do White Tigers Come From? In the last 100 years, less than 12 white tigers have been seen in India. When two Bengal tigers interbreed, they bring forth white tigers, which carry recessive genes controlling color. Breeders of white tigers do not contribute to any species survival plan; they are breeding for money. Larger subspecies, such as the Siberian tiger, tend to live in northern, colder areas, such as eastern Russia and northeastern China. Tigers of such a vivid coloring are hard to exist, for camouflage, like other predators, does not have white tigers. Therefore, the species prefers to exist in shady bamboo thickets, most favorably near rivers or other water bodies. Most scientists however condemn this kind of inbreeding. Let us discuss white tiger evolution. White tigers do not blend well in their habitat while the orange tigers blend well enough that they are hard to spot. Another name for white tigers is captive tigers since they mainly thrive in cages and controlled parks. The white tiger lives in the southeastern part of Asia, including Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh, as well as in various parts of India. Lifecycle. It has a creamy white coat, blue eyes and gray or brown-colored stripes. Where Do Tigers Live? In captivity – up to 15 years. It is not a sub-specie of tiger. They are powerful hunters that travel many miles to find prey, such as elk and wild boar, on nocturnal hunts. Actually, White Tigers are very, very rare in the wild. White Tiger is in actual a Bengal Tiger with a unique gene that makes it color white instead of orange like other bengal tigers. Bengal tigers inhabit the Asian countries of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. White tigers do not live in a snowy climate. Jade Li January 29, 2013 at 4:55 am. white tigers live in southern asia. White Tiger Facts; Eye-opening Facts about White tiger. Where tigers live and what they eat.