Desert Spiny Swift - £29.99 (SOLD) (Sceloporus magister) WC An interesting lizard with yellow flecking on its sides, pointed overlapping scales, and blue and black markings. Comes with moon glow accent LED light and three-way switch to turn LED lights on, turn everything off or to turn the moon glow accent on. Snakes . Find Lizards for sale, for rehoming and for adoption from reputable breeders or connect for free with eager buyers uk at, the Reptiles classifieds. Lizards for sale online at discount prices. Lizards. There are a number of magnificent species that not only capture our imaginations, but also educate us about our environment. We have a robust selection of captive bred as well as handpicked imported exotic lizards including iguanas, geckos, tegus, chameleons, monitor lizards… we have one of the greatest selections you will find including abronia, horned lizards, frilled dragons, basilisks, sailfin dragons, caiman lizards and more. Dragon Agama - £27.99 (SOLD) Each fixture comes preloaded with one Day White LED lamp with an expansion slot to add a second LED lamp. For first time keepers we recommend you read our caresheets thoroughly to understand the differences between them. Our wholesale reptiles for sale are comprised of both high quality imports as well as captive bred animals, all of which are sure to impress your customers. Frogs & Toads. We always have a nice selection of frogs and toads for sale, From Fire-Belly Toads to Tree Frogs, to Giant Marine Toads to tiny African Reed frogs. (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) CB14 A beautiful vegitarian lizard! Buy lizards online from xyzReptiles with Overnight Shipping and Live Arrival Guarantee! Our lizards make excellent pets. From the Green Anoles to Geckos, from desert to jungle dweller, we have a lizard suited for you. Desert Long Tailed Lizard - £9.99 (SOLD) An active small lizard, with character! underground reptiles supplies some of the best lizards for sale in the world! With such a diverse group of lizards being kept in the modern hobby, there is no surprise at their growing popularity. Lizards for sale. Xantusia vigilis — Desert Night Lizard Black Rock Canyon, Joshua Tree National Park, San Bernardino County, California — May 17, 2001 These tiny lizards are theoretically plentiful under the bark of fallen Joshua Trees and other yuccas, but I'd looked for them on a variety of occasions over the past few years without seeing one. Call us 608-221-0094 Geckos for sale - Reptile rapture offers great selection of Geckos & with live arrival assurance on geckos for sale. Snakes can be scary but they make for fascinating pets.