But this is Salford in the North of England, in 1971. Join us dr dre snoop dogg. George Khan, proud Pakistani and chip shop owner -- Ghengis to his kids -- rules his family with a rod of iron. He thinks he's raising his seven children to be respectable Pakistanis. George is acutely aware of this and he is forcing his children against their will to conform. East is East: A film about racism The family are in crisis. East is East is a very entertaining film about a Pakistani/English mixed race family living in Manchester in the 1970's and how when the Father tries to force his sons into an arranged marriage and how it almost rips the family apart. Much as George's English wife, Ella, loves and tries to honor her husband, she also wants her kids to be happy. He is a figure of deep contradictions, trying to hold his children to a standard he has eluded his entire life. Share videos, music and pictures, follow friends and keep track of what you enjoy! May be the funniest movie about parental and spousal abuse ever made. They do not fit into either the Pakistani community or the white community. Movie Title : East Is East Also Known As: A Kelet az Kelet Movie Description: In 1971 Salford fish-and-chip shop owner George Khan expects his family to follow his strict Pakistani Muslim ways.But his children, with an English mother and having been born and brought... See full summary » But this is Salford in the North of England, in 1971. Watch full episodes free online of the tv series East of Eden - 에덴의 동쪽 with subtitles. Watch trailers, read customer and critic reviews, and buy East Is East directed by Damien O'Donnell for $5.99. George Khan, proud Pakistani and chip shop owner -- Ghengis to his kids -- rules his family with a rod of iron. Much as George's English wife, Ella, loves and tries to honor her husband, she also wants her kids to be happy. Perhaps the real love story in the movie … He thinks he's raising his seven children to be respectable Pakistanis. East is East: A film about racism The family are in crisis. 88. Steinbeck himself praised it for reaching the parts his book couldn't. This anti-corporate espionage thriller is slick and engaging for a while, but in the end leaves you rooting for the bad guys George is acutely aware of this and he is forcing his children … Jonathan Foreman New York Post. French director Regis Wargnier's fifth feature film is a romantic period drama which is also a tribute to the victims of a tragic Stalinist episode. Read the Empire Movie review of East of Eden. East Is East the 1999 Movie, Trailers, Videos and more at Yidio. Share videos, music and pictures, follow friends and keep track of what you enjoy! The East – review 3 / 5 stars 3 out of 5 stars. If there is a weakness in "East Is East," it's that Om Puri's character is a little too serious for the comedy surrounding him. Watch East Is East Online. They do not fit into either the Pakistani community or the white community.