I just need something to deal with algae. Unfortunately, the Siamese Algae Eater is not a cure for all algae: Green spot and blue green algae are not on the menu. The Siamese Algae Eater sometimes referred to as the Flying Fox Siamese Algae eater is a great fish for the community aquarium. Thread starter; Boeing250 Well Known Member. The Siamese Algae Eater, on the other hand, is a peaceful schoaler, and does better in a small group of 4-6. Messages 882 Reaction score 6 Points 63 Experience 4 years Hi! Comments: This is a Premium Pet Fish, and we never see Premium Fish like this in any of the live fish stores or the online stores that we visit. Written by Aziz Dhanani Prior to converting my 40 gallon unplanted aquarium to a 40 gallon planted aquarium, I had a real Siamese algae eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) that was a long time (8 years) inhabitant.He was a solitary resident who kept to himself, was not aggressive towards any of the other inhabitants, and had grown to about 6 inches in length. The fish is often called SAE, which is an abbreviation from its full name. However, to get one to reach its full length of 6 inches it has to be well cared for and in an aquarium large enough to support its swimming needs. The Siamese Algae Eater lives for about 10 years and grows to around six inches in length. A true Siamese algae eater grows to a maximum size of about 6” (16 cm) in an ideal environment. This illustrated article should be a great help in understanding the differences between Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus siamensis), "False siamensis" (Epalzeorhynchus sp. Fully matured females are noticeably larger than males with a rounder abdomen, which makes sexing them pretty easy. I have a 20 gallon fish tank and I was wondering if a Siamese algae eater Would be okay? This implies the need for a medium-sized tank. A true Siamese Algae Eater will reach around 6 inches in maximum size or just about 15 cm. Above: In the picture above is a premium quality Siamese Algae Eater , swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of our crew members took this picture. How big do Siamese algae eaters get? Aug 27, 2015. How compatible are they with other fish? The ideal aquarium for the Siamese Algae Eater should be well oxygenated with a pH between 6.5 and 8.0, a dH of 5-20 and a water temperature of … Premium Pet Fish are more energetic, hardier, and have brighter colors with a beautiful metallic The fish eats algae in a tank and this task is quite challenging, since not every fish can do it. Thanks EDIT: I have 2 small goldfish in the 20 gal. Aquarium Algae Scrapers; Water Conditions, pH & Temperature. Please note sometimes Siamese Algae Eaters will stop eating algae in favour of the other foods you give them if being fed too much. This species is the epitome of the good guy in the aquarium. or Garra taeniata), Flying Fox, (Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus), Crossocheilus oblongus, and Chinese algae eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri). I raise the long fin algae eaters in different colors and it generally takes a year and a few months to a year and 6 months to raise them to sexual maturity. It also requires these plants and rocks for grazing algae. It prefers a planted aquarium with many broad-leaved plants on which it can rest on. Like Reply. This implies the need for a medium-sized tank. Siamese Algae Eaters are peaceful and rarely aggressive fish perfect for a community fish tank. Finally, the Siamese Eater will eat less and less algae as it gets older. Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) is a peaceful, not very large fish and it is a real tank cleaner. Akili Valued … Finally, one last thing I've read about and also observed in my tank concerns the peculiar way a Siamese Algae Eater rests. Aug 27, 2015 .