These animals depend on eating large quantities of krill for survival in the harsh climate. In a cold environment it is important to eat a good variety of nutritionally balanced food. Food in Antarctica A great deal is known today about the requirements for survival in extreme conditions in terms of what food and clothing is required. At zoological parks, calves begin to take a few fish at about two to three months. For their own meals, Antarctic krill eat small plants like phytoplankton, as well as algae under the surface of sea ice. Many other kinds of fish eat sardines; they are prey for almost anything that’s bigger than they are. Antarcticans in Antarctica are also known as the penguins that live there. They eat a wide variety of food just as you and I do. Why, therefore, do more people not eat smoked mackerel? At SeaWorld parks, adult killer whales eat approximately 1% to 3.5% of their body weight in food per day. Although mackerel is associated with plenty of health benefits, not all mackerel is great for your health. These penguins will feed on fish. A … In a cold environment it is important to eat a good variety of nutritionally balanced food. Growing calves eat more — as much as 10% of body weight during growth periods. These fish are gaining attention because of their high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for cardiovascular health. Antarctic krill provide a vital food source for whales, seals, ice fish, and penguins. In fact, King mackerel is high in mercury and even makes the list of fish you should never eat . The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least twice per week. Much of this knowledge was discovered the hard way, by men suffering from cold, starvation and deficiencies of vitamins while exploring Antarctica or the Arctic. 80% of their diet is fish. Smoked mackerel is delicious, nutritious, usually fairly inexpensive and even comes ready to eat, with absolutely no cooking required. Health experts recommend we should eat two portions of fish every week, one of which should be an oil-rich fish such as mackerel or herring. This means there is every scope for households to keep their favourite staples of cod and haddock on the menu, but supplement this once a week with Scottish mackerel and herring. Although sardines congregate in huge schools and use their synchronized swimming displays to confuse predators, many fish still manage to catch them and depend on sardines as a dietary staple. Some people believe that smoked mackerel is actually raw but it has in fact been not only cooked by the smoke but granted an extra special flavour. Mackerel is the name for several species of cold-water, oily fish. Antarcticans. People with heart disease should consume about 1 g per day of omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in oily fish.