Blue tits can often be seen in small flocks, especially in winter when family flocks join up with other flocks in search of food. Paul Dinning. Videos for Cats : Garden Birds Spectacular - NEW 8 Hours - Duration: 8 hours, 29 minutes. This plant has a pungent odour that is said to repel cats and other mammals from the garden. Videos for Cats to Watch 5 - All Videos by Paul Dinning Play all. 2:15 - … Many people are distressed and angered by someone else's cat killing birds in their garden. Cats and garden birds There is no denying that pet cats kill garden birds. Calming TV for Cats : Cat TV - My Garden Birds - Relaxing Nature Music for Cats to Sleep - 8 Hours of spectacular cat tv featuring the most beautiful garden birds and … Create a bird-friendly garden using the following ideas. Sign up for the Garden for Wildlife e-Newsletter before May 31, ... Youtube Twitter Instagram. Gardening Tips for Attracting Birds. Garden birds can provide a great opportunity to watch wildlife from the comfort of your home. It is marketed under the names Pee-off and Scaredy-cat. Their stunning blue, yellow and white markings make them very easy to … They are still one of the most common garden birds although the species is in decline. Feral cats, or just neighborhood cats that are allowed to roam freely, can enter your yard and vegetable garden, possibly turning it into their very own litter box. Watch the full length video and get access to many more by subscribing to TVBINI Premium Membership. Blue tit. The Ultimate Videos of Birds for Cats To Watch The birds in the video are - First Clip - Eurasian Jays with a Magpie sneaking in towards the end. Your cat will thank you as indoor cats live much longer, healthier lives than outdoor cats. Bigger birds like doves, and smaller birds like sparrows and house finches, chickadee, and dark-eyed junco feed together on the ground with plenty of movement and action for your cat. The large format wall calendar features daily grids with ample room for … Our gardens would not be complete without the presence of these brightly feathered visitors! Videos for Cats to Watch 5 - … Someone on the Veggie Gardener Facebook Page recently brought up a similar problem, and asked for some advice on keeping cats out of the vegetable garden. Movies for Cats to Watch : UK Garden Birds Video Produced by Paul Dinning - Wildlife in Cornwall. Placing clippings from thorny or spiky plants under bird feeders and under bushes will prevent cats from using these areas to stalk birds. Nesting Birds Season: Create a garden that's safe for breeding birds during the bird nesting season. Garden For Wildlife Giveaway. Many birds that were once common have seen declines over the past 50 years, reasons are varied and complicated but lack of food and nesting sites are thought to be contributing to the decline. The most colorful garden birds of North American dazzle the eye with twelve full color photographs. Many cat owners want to stop cats killing birds. There is a new garden plant, Coleus canina, on the market.