You’re thinking about adding a new furry member to your family, but which creature is better - a hamster or a rat? Below we’ve listed some of the similarities and differences between requirements of these pet species below. Hamsters and mice are both nocturnal. Unless you can secure an animal-proof cage for your hamster and always watch out for it, we would not recommend having a hamster and other pets. Hamsters vs. Mice ..? Hamsters and rats are different both in characteristics and behavior. Traditionally, these animals prey on hamsters. Do Hamsters Or Mice Make Better Pets? Not at all! • Mouse is smaller than a hamster in their body sizes. All pet rodents have a short lifespan compared to dogs, cats, and some other types of small pets. It may not be safe to keep your hamster with other pets such as cats and dogs. Mice. Pellets are available for mice and are completely balanced, but this is a monotonous diet. Dietary requirements hamster vs mice vs gerbils. Share on Facebook So, you want to get a super cute, chubby-cheeked guinea pig or hamster as a family pet, but not sure which is a better match for your home? Mice and rats are awesome for different reasons and will provide you joy in different ways. Hamster faces are rounder and wider than his gerbil pal’s, which has a more lean look. Hamsters can be picked up and everything, and they are still all zombied-out, and refuse to do anything most of the time. Should I Get a Hamster or a Guinea Pig? Should I Get A Gerbil Or A Hamster? not that i dislike them, just would rather have a hamster or mice.Something that'll fit in a bin cage. If i get i hutch, i might be allowed a guinea-pig. Here are some important questions to consider before you dive headlong into getting a companion hamster. Willard, a horror movie, had a rat as a major character. Mice die quickly, and hamsters can live to anywhere from a few weeks to a couple years. I was surprised when I let my daughter have a hamster (don't have as many bite reports as with gerbils) as hers became a very friendly and reactive pet. • Mouse has a long and skinny tail, but it is short and sometime furry in hamster. In other words, there are benefits and drawbacks to each animal. Take … Should I Get A Hamster Or A Mouse? Grain and seed-based loose mixes provide more interest to the mice and will probably be more readily eaten. What is the difference between Mouse and Hamster? While some people may be squeamish about owning rats, they can be a better option for a number of reasons. I'm allowed to get a new pet, and i have decided either a syrian hamster or some mice. Hamster toys; Hamsters and Other Pets. That means that they will sleep a lot during the day, and then be running around all night. Caring for a Guinea Pig Those who enjoy rats and mice may find the gerbil more visually appealing. Both mice and hamsters are really great pets, but there are some differences in temperament and how they will need to be kept, that require some careful consideration. Many consider the gerbil to be more rat or mouselike in appearance because of its longer snout. Mice are really small and can escape easily, so a hamster would be better. Pros and cons etc. Idk what subreddit or forum website would have the answer. Although males are typically more “odorous” than the females, any cage of mice … Firstly, i can't decide where to post this. Mice, unlike hamsters, shouldn’t be kept on their own. So last month my mouse passed away and I'm thinking about getting another pair of mice (female). After all, these little friends are the picture of cuteness: small, round, furry, and inquisitive. Those who are not fond of rats and mice may find the hamster has the most appeal. Mice belong to the rodent family Muridae, the world's largest family of mammals. Mice can be fed a commercially prepared complete diet; a rodent mix or hamster diet is acceptable. Gerbils and hamsters are different species, and although some aspects of their care are similar, others vary quite a bit. It is more closely related to these rodents than the hamster. Awe!) On the other hand, gerbils may require more care than your little ones can provide. ). not to fussed about gerbils tbh (no offence). Hamsters and guinea pigs are very different creatures, and so which suits you as an owner requires some careful thought. Both hamsters and rats make wonderful non-traditional pets. Both seem indiscriminant about where they foul as that's how they lay their travel trails. i dont know about mice, but dwarf hamsters, or any hamster, are mean, or can be aggresive if not handled by you or anyone often.i would recommend a rat because you bond better with a rat, and they are smarter, they are as smart as a 2y/o human, like a dog.