In the last 70 years, the bullfrog has greatly expanded its range. Adult marine toads generally range in size from 6-9 inches (15-23 centimeters), but may get larger. Bullfrogs have a much higher critical thermal maximum than most other frogs, meaning that they are able to thrive in higher water temperatures. They'll eat lots and lots of really big bugs, fish (guppies, I am told, are pretty good feeders) and mice. The American Bullfrog was introduced to the Pacific Northwest in the late 1920s or early 1930s as a food source. Groups of frogs are called armies. Bullfrogs have teeth in the roof of their mouth and a muscular tongue capable of flipping prey into their mouth. Frogs are capable of puffing up other parts of their bodies for various reasons. Bullfrogs are 3.5 to 6 inches long. Our … Bullfrogs will eat anything that doesn’t eat them first as long as it will fit in their mouths. Males have yellow throats during breeding season. The female's throat is white, whereas the male's throat is yellow. Female bullfrogs are larger in size than males are, and male bullfrogs heads are more narrow. Pretty much anything that will fit in their mouths. Bullfrogs do well with changes in the environment that have occurred due to human modification, and are becoming increasingly common in areas modified by humans. Bullfrogs have a longer breeding Another kind of really big frog are called Cane toads, (also called "marine toads" or "giant toads"). A bullfrog's round eardrums, called tympanums, are on the outside of the body, behind the eyes. That classic image of a frog with a bulging throat passing air across his vocal chords is not the only way by which frogs inflate themselves. It is larger than native frogs and, in some areas, may have displaced them. They have big, meaty legs, which are said to be low in calories and fat and highly nutritious. Bullfrogs have a large external eardrum; their feet are fully webbed except for the longest toe; and their belly is cream colored. They are dark brown, greenish gray, light olive or yellowish green. They will even eat other bullfrogs, which is why you won’t find armies of bull frogs in one place very often, and if you do they will be spread out. The male's eardrums are larger than the female's and bigger than his eyes.