These are still my “go to” bait for channel catfish. Channel catfish can take the heat just as well as tilapia yet they can also handle the cold and will even keep growing well . Blue catfish are heavy bodied, blueish gray in color, and have a dorsal hump. How Big Do They Get? Coloration is olive-brown to slate-blue on the back and sides, shading to silvery-white on the belly. The next big catfish bait I would try would be some bullheads or small catfish. A large flathead can easily eat a 10 pound fish so don't be wimpy with your baits. Find out more about how big catfish get. In the wild the channel cat can get up to 40+ lbs. While flatheads are carnivores, channel catfish will supplement their diets with plant material, including fruits or berries that drop into the water. A catfish’s color varies, depending on water clarity. Catfish may spawn in such ponds, but adult bass consume most, if not all, catfish fry and fingerlings. When it comes to channel catfish fishing in the winter, there are a few tricks involved. You can be just as successful at catching channel cats in the winter as you are in the summer. → Read More: Channel Catfish. A blue catfish has 30–36 rays, whereas a channel catfish has 25–29. . A blue catfish has 30–36 rays, whereas a channel catfish has 25–29. How Long Do They Live? If you can get big baits use them. This little guy has some pretty impressive barbels, but he'd have to really pack on some pounds if he wanted to be in the running for a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. In Minnesota channel catfish commonly reach 500-600 mm (19-23 in) in length and weigh in at 1.4 to 2.3 kg (3 to 5 lbs), but they can get as big as 18 kg (40 lbs). Catfish are popular for their flaky white meat and for the sport of fishing, especially in the southern United States. When it comes to channel catfish fishing in the winter, there are a few tricks involved. Bullheads are very hardy on the hook and in the bait tank. NEXT PAGE . Bullheads are very hardy on the hook and in the bait tank. The next big catfish bait I would try would be some bullheads or small catfish. Channel catfish have scaleless, cylindrical bodies with soft fins, except for the dorsal and pectoral fins, which have hard, sharp spines that can inflict a painful wound. In clear water, catfish may appear dark blue or black, while in muddy water they may be a light yellow or gray. Breeding catfish can be another story, however. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are times when other baits will work better in certain situations but nearly 100% of the time I spend targeting channel catfish, I do so with punch baits. The best way to tell the difference between a channel catfish and a blue catfish is to count the number of rays on the anal fin. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are times when other baits will work better in certain situations but nearly 100% of the time I spend targeting channel catfish, I do so with punch baits.