Sometimes it can last for several hours. Mild heartburns usually last until one takes medicine for it. Eating a large meal; Wearing tight … Dyspepsia or Indigestion as commonly known as is not similar to heartburn. How Long Does Heartburn Last? The pain doesn't have to last a long … You can feel it coming again. Heartburn, also known as acid indigestion, usually only lasts a few hours and is relieved by antacids. 5 tips to keep heartburn on the backburner. For some folks, it can be just a few minutes. Without treatment, mild heartburn can last as few as ten minutes but usually lasts about two hours. You can overdose on any type of antacids. Sometimes heartburn can be hardly noticeable but when it is very severe, the person can also become unable to move. Do you ever ask yourself how long can heartburn last? Keeping your head raised slightly keeps that from happening. 5 tips to keep heartburn on the backburner. The first thing you should know is that it can actually last for days, or it can seem as if it lasts for days, depending on the cause of your heartburn. Know causes, symptoms, and treatment for indigestion and how long does indigestion last? It is always important to follow label directions, and see your doctor if routine doses do not alleviate symptoms. Nevertheless, there are various ways for people experiencing heartburn to reduce the intensity, regularity and duration of episodes. If this sounds like you and you are currently suffering from these symptoms, then it's likely that you need some answers fast. Sometimes you’re forced to wonder how long can heartburn last and how on earth you can possibly get it to stop. It can vary. It works quickly. For some folks, it can be just a few minutes. For occasional heartburn, taking mild antacids can help, but in some cases H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors (PPI) may be needed, especially when the symptoms of heartburn are not improving naturally or even after taking antacids. The pain associated with this illness is usually very difficult to bear and can prevent a person from functioning normally. The duration of a bout of heartburn can vary. If you believe you are experiencing frequent heartburn, there are treatment options available (link to How To … And also do lifestyle modifications, as explained previously. How long does heartburn last for? It depends. Answer. Heartburn is a rather common medical condition that affects not the heart, but the stomach and the surrounding muscles. So how long can heartburn last? The painful burning that feels as if it’s climbing right up into your throat and its coming back with a v. As for an answer to the question of how long heartburn lasts in other cases, it really depends on many factors and there is no simple answer.