Unlike platypus, echidna perfectly feel in captivity. Echidnas are also known to be affected by other tapeworms, protozoans and herpes-like viral infections, but little is known of how the infections affect the health of the animals or the populations. If you’re looking to sharpen up on your echidna fast facts, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary has prepared a few to get you started. They do not fight or defend a territory. Usually, echidnas feed on ants and termites, but sometimes they may also eat beetles, scarab and moth larvae, and worms. There were individuals who crossed the threshold of … I didn't even know what an echidna was, I do now and I know this; 1. When visiting the zoo it's always interesting to see the animals getting fed. As a result, self-proclaimed breeders are likely taking them from the wild. Here is a sneaky keeper preview of the action that you might see when visiting us at WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo at feed times… An echidna at the Philadelphia Zoo lived for 49 years in captivity. Echidna has enemies, for example, lizards, foxes, wild dogs. Short-beaked echidnas, found in Australia and New Guinea, are very difficult to breed in captivity. The average lifespan of echidnas is about 30-40 years. The echidna digs its way into ant or termite nests with its front paws and extends its long, sticky tongue into the nest. Male echidnas possess a four-headed penis, hidden in a shaft covered with spikes, and is about 7 centimeters long when erect. The echidna has a long, sticky tongue to catch and chew its food: ants, termites, or earthworms. Why I have no idea, I will say pigs are the most efficient converter of plant matter to meat, but no eggs or milk for you. So how does it eat? They can do without food for a whole month. When an echidna encounters another echidna or other animal, it basically just ignores it. Like anteaters, the echidna has no teeth. PRACTICAL DIETS FOR CAPTIVE MONOTREMES AND MARSUPIALS I.D. Wild echidnas have been found with what is said to be the world's largest flea -(Bradiopsylla echidnae), which is about 4 mm long. The insects stick to the tongue and are drawn into its mouth where they are crushed up. Although it is considered easy to keep echidnas healthy in captivity, breeding is difficult, partly due to … Read on! Live echidnas long. Live echidnas long. Echidnas like to live in isolation, except during the mating time and while females raise their young. We bring you some more interesting facts and amazing information on echidna … Whether in the wild or in captivity, short-beaked echidnas live almost exclusively on termites, although they also eat ants. Diet: The Short-beaked Echidna is an insectivore and eats ants and termites. An echidna’s typical day begins by finding something to eat. There were individuals who crossed the threshold of 50 years. Echidna are very viable animals. It’s renowned as one of our most iconic Aussie animals – characterised by an adorable waddle, spiky exterior, and shy disposition – but how much do you really know about the echidna? During the process of mating, two heads are used to release the semen into the female’s reproductive organ, while the other two heads do not get erect. Keeper Kylie - How do our echidnas get fed? Their spines are actually modified hairs. The average lifespan of echidnas is about 30-40 years. Quick Links Biology Distribution Home range Anatomy Reproduction Handling Echidnas Common Reasons for Care - Echidna in the yard - Motor vehicle accidents - Dog attack Caring for Echidnas Echidnas are the oldest surviving mammal, with five sub-species of short-beaked echidnas found in … No matter what the time of the year, they can only enter REM sleep when they are around 77 F (25 C). They can do without food for a whole month. Echidnas hibernate during the cold winter months in burrows. Echidna are very viable animals. HUME* SUMMARY Australian monotremes and marsupials are discussed in relation to their natural feeding habits in the wild, and the extent to.which their natural diets can be replaced by commercially available compounded diets in captivity. 04 Sep 2014 16:47:49.