See distance to other cities from Howland Island – US Minor Outlying Islands measured in kilometers (km), miles and nautical miles and their local time. Coral reef ecosystems under United States jurisdiction in the Pacific Ocean are found around: the Northwest and Main Hawaiian Islands; the Line Islands including Palmyra Island, Kingman Reef, Johnston Atoll, Howland Island, Baker Island, and Jarvis Islan However, the weather forecast warned of rain squalls to the east in a region of low pressure 250 miles away from Lae and south of the island of New Britain around the area of Gasmata on the south coast of the island. It is about one-half of the way from Hawaii to Australia and is an unincorporated, unorganized territory of the United States, part of the United States Minor Outlying Islands. Get Howland Island's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Distances are measured using a direct path, as the crow flies and the compass direction is shown as well. Current local time in US Minor Outlying Islands – Howland Island. The island was known as a navigation hazard for many decades and several ships were wrecked there. The island had a half-dozen small wooden huts and the fledging colonists fed on canned food and water, and had other supplies including a gasoline powered refrigerator, radio equipment, and medical kits. If Earhart and Noonan missed Howland… If Earhart and Noonan missed Howland… Calculations of sunrise and sunset in Howland Island – US Minor Outlying Islands for March 2020. On some of their closest neighbors, the Line Islands one thousand miles to the east, it's already been 2018 for twenty-six hours by the time the terns and boobies on Howland … Explore Howland Island's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset. U.S. possession and guano mining. The shortest route is the Great Circle route, basically a straight line from Lae to Howland Island over the curvature of the Earth. Howland Island was named a National Wildlife Refuge in 1974. Generic astronomy calculator to calculate times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset for many cities, with daylight saving time and time zones taken in account. Howland Island / ˈ h aʊ l ə n d / is an uninhabitit coral island locatit juist north o the equator in the central Paceefic Ocean, aboot 1,700 nautical miles (3,100 km) soothwast o Honolulu.The island lies awmaist haufway atween Hawaii an Australie an is an unincorporatit, unorganised territory o the Unitit States. The project and the group of young men that were assigned to these expeditions became known as the Hui Panala’au. Atlantic Ocean. Jarig Bakker, 29 January 2000 Geografically, thegither wi Baker Island it forms part o the Phoenix Islands. The “line 157 337” indicates that the plane was flying on a northwest to southeast navigational line that bisected Howland Island.