The differences are huge, they are completely unrelated insects! Fruit flies are small, red-eyed, 1/4 inch long flies commonly associated with overripe and fermenting fruits and vegetables. How to Get Rid of Drain Flies. You’ll find them near the bathroom and kitchen drain, too, as well as around toilets and other sources of water. Drain Flies Vs. Fruit Flies. Your fruit, vegetables, or any other food left on the counter. Fruit fly traps are economical, low maintenance, non-toxic and pesticide free, and most contain a fruit based attractant to lure fruit flies into the trap. How to attract fruit … By doing a little kitchen cleaning and stocking up on some pantry staples, you'll be footloose and fruit fly … Each of their lifecycles differs but the one thing they all have in common is that they live to breed, lay eggs and be irritating. Description of fruit, vinegar, and pomace flies. If you've been noticing small flies buzzing around the drains in your kitchen or bathroom, you may have a drain fly infestation. Once they emerge from their eggs, fruit fly larvae continuously depend on rotten matters for food. Drain … They Lay Fruit Fly Eggs in Your Food. Fruit flies are Flies, meaning they're from the order Diptera. Those fruit fly eggs quickly grow into microscopic larvae (maggots). They may not do you any harm, but they sure love to buzz around your face just to drive you mad. Ocala Website Designs Webmaster. September 13, 2015 . Adult fruit flies are, on average, about 3 or 4 millimeters long. A fruit fly adult . Females of fruit flies lay close to 500 eggs despite their fairly short life cycles. Start your drain fly control with our Drain Fly Identification Guide. Fruit flies especially are incredibly annoying and seem to pop up out of nowhere. • Fruit flies are more colourful than gnats. What is the difference between Fruit flies and Gnats? Life cycle of fruit, vinegar, and pomace flies Since drain flies look like other small flies, it’s important to identify them correctly. Here, you have to find out the drain fly … Drain fly wings look like tiny moth wings, while fruit fly wings look similar to housefly wings. Spotting the Drain Flies: This is a very simple way to identify the drain fly infested areas. You can tell the difference between fruit flies and drain flies by looking at their wings. They have fairly short adult lives, lasting for just a week -- during which the females lay about 150 eggs. Non-Technical Information. However, fruit need not be present to have fruit flies, as they can originate from other sources. Primarily, homeowners are concerned with these unwanted little creatures when they appear in a house or building. Fruit fly traps generally come ready to use and should be changed every 30 days.