What is the meaning of the idiom 'sized him up right ... you can figure it out if you look up the word "pins." Share this entry . 11 Smokin’ English Expressions Related to Smoke and Smoking Posted on May 26, 2013 in Q-Admin in Idiom Of The Day , Learn English Tips If you understand the following short story – ‘A Life Sentence for Smoking Like a Chimney’ – there is no need to scroll down further. look forward to sth. Example sentence: Mais je tombe comme un cheveu sur la soupe. English translation: Jo, look out! Jason. be not much to look at. Definition and synonyms of look someone up and down from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Vous arrivez comme un cheveu sur la soupe. Reply. The married couple looked down at us from the balcony of the hotel. Did LBJ Advocate: ‘Convince the Lowest White Man He’s Better Than the Best Colored Man’? Once you have studied these expressions, test your knowledge with quiz testing idioms and expressions with 'make'. ... look on the bright side phrase. I looked down the list but couldn't see his name. This is the British English definition of look down on.View American English definition of look down on.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Clothing Idioms Quiz. look daggers at sb. When you arrive like a hair in the soup, you’re appearing at just the wrong moment. Definition of look down on in the Idioms Dictionary. ! He then lifted him onto his own mount and took him to an inn and looked after him. How to use look down on in a sentence. These examples are from the Cambridge English Corpus and from sources on the web. hunt (SEARCH) search. Learn more. look into See more. To employ one's sight, especially in a given direction or on a given object: looking out the window; ... look down upon him; look down upon me; look down upon someone; look down upon something; look down upon them; Idiom: Meaning: Example: look down your nose at: look at a person as though he is not as good as you Just because he's rich he looks down his nose at us. cracked a grin 2. to get his two-bits(a name) worth in 3. looked down on him 4. sized him up right 5. worshiped the ground 6. blows off steam better thand anything 7. just getting kicks by slashing 8. hitting it off fine 9. beat the far out of her ok please help me!! To glance or gaze along or through something. Maria always tells her husband what to do. tell me what do they mean!!! ing , looks v. intr. Synonyms. be looking for trouble. Synonyms for look down upon at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. the shirt the birthday suit the trousers a) the shirt b) the birthday suit c) the trousers. 1. a. When that happens, this common French idiom will do the trick when summarizing the scenario. look down on phrasal verb. Ever since seeing ponyboy with a switchblade, the girl had looked down on him. look on the bright side phrase. Definition and synonyms of look on from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.