Monkeys Are Unpredictable. The vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus), or simply vervet, is an Old World monkey of the family Cercopithecidae native to Africa.The term "vervet" is also used to refer to all the members of the genus Chlorocebus.The five distinct subspecies can be found mostly throughout Southern Africa, as well as some of the eastern countries. It is estimated that roughly 500 families in South Africa alone keep monkeys as pets, with that number still on the rise. No, you should not get a pet monkey from Africa. They only appear unpredictable if you expect them to behave like you and not like a monkey. Whilst “exotic” is technically an expression for a species of animal not indigenous to a particular country, the term “exotic pets” is often used to refer to unusual pets like iguanas, snakes, parrots and monkeys. Some Things That People Say About Pet Monkeys That Are Not True. Some were kept as pets, others rescued from medical research facilities and zoos. Where in south africa can we see and also pet and/or interact with monkey's. They belong to a few category of monkeys that are good as pets. Jack (died 1890) was a chacma baboon, who attained some fame for acting as an assistant to a disabled railway signalman in South Africa. What are 'Exotic Pets'? Free Advertising. Monkeys are very predictable. Each time they explore more of it they wonder why they even need to travel oversees as South Africa has everything to offer from oceans to mountains and forests to deserts. They grow up to 56 cm with average length tails. 2. Pet primate owners are often overwhelmed by the difficulties of keeping intelligent wild animals as pets and, prior to Monkeyland they had no place to turn for a more appropriate home. Here are the remaining states where at … Joyfull babies Finger Marmoset Monkeys for sale , they are very good and easy going , we have males… Northern Cape › Victoria-West R 3,000 Also other tips for kids are welcome! Advertise or search for Monkeys For Sale anywhere in South Africa on Howzit! They are expensive, can be dangerous, live a long time, require a huge amount of your daily time, need a lot of space, and are not cuddly. They are cute-looking monkeys with white- or pink-colored face. With all the money you would spend on a monkey you could finance a trip to South Africa to visit Monkeyland, or go to visit new world monkeys in their natural habitat in Central or South America or even see gorillas and chimpanzees in the wild in Africa instead. While monkeys are high-maintenance pets, some monkeys (black capuchin) have even been trained to care for the disabled, which challenges the notion that they are all high-strung and entirely unpredictable animals incapable of living with humans. It's is something my 10 year old dauthger would love to do. Monkeyland Primate Sanctuary in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa is the worlds first free roaming multi-specie primate sanctuary and aims to create awareness about the plight of primates and foster a greater understanding of our primate cousins. _____ I completely agree with the comment directly above my own. Yes, some monkeys live out their lives without causing harm to a human and can be properly cared for as pets. Howzit! Thanx! The centre aims to provide a safe and nurturing home and rehabilitate primates that are unable to return to the wild. But the question looms: do they actually make good pets? Quick stats about South Africa Land area: 1 … Monkey Breeder South Africa is a proudly trusted and legitimate monkey breeder that has been operating in the breeding market since 2008. It's not good for the monkey. Non-humans primates DO NOT make good pets. Many interesting monkeys have come through our doors. Pet Monkeys...Really A Good Idea? Monkeys need expert medical care. When choosing an exotic pet, please keep in mind some important… Buying A Pet Monkey Endangers Wild Monkeys. The Monkey Rescue project we work with in South Africa cares for non-indigenous primates that have been rescued after having been orphaned, mistreated or kept as pets. Having researched the situation of captive primates in South Africa he found that many exotic species lived in terrible conditions in people’s homes.