Just 1,300 miles off the coast of Florida, Americans can escape to the Caribbean Sea's Greater Antilles, where some of the world's best beaches lie unspoiled. [6] Costa Rica's Escazú is famous for witchcraft where, historically, people took to mountain caves to secretly practice their religious and magical rituals. But here are a few things you may not know about Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, called Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico in Spanish, is not a country on its own. Read CNN's Fast Facts about the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, a self-governing US territory located in the Caribbean. Like most Latin girls, Puerto Rican women usually have huge families with tons of cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters.. Lets consider that the people of Puerto Rico represent a cultural and racial mix. 1. There are over 240 species of plants and trees in El Yunque. So when you’re here, you’re in for a treat. Fact 4 The unofficial mascot of the island is a tiny tree frog called “Coqui’ that measures an inch in length. If they take you seriously, you’ll meet a new family member every now and then, especially at birthday parties. Puerto Rico is east of the Dominican Republic and west of the Virgin Islands. 8 Things You Didn't (and Should) Know About Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican Tody can be described as having green feathers with a yellow flanks, a bright yellow almost white belly, a red throat and lower mandible and a long beak. The Puerto Rican parrot is one of the ten most endangered species of birds in the world with only 30 alive in the wild. 5 Interesting Facts About Puerto Ricans in Chicago ChiCity | 1 Comment I’ve been working on a research project, which has allowed me the opportunity to dig deep into a lot of different topics around Afro-Latino/a and Latino/a identity in the U.S. 2. Some Interesting Facts about Puerto Rico. Habitat. 1. It is a very small bird and is the smallest representative of the order Coraciiformes. Fact 3 The official languages are Spanish and English. Puerto Rican Tody is widespread and found in most forested areas throughout the island, including damp forests, humid mountain slopes, montane rain forests, coffee plantations, second growth pastures, riparian woodlands, dense growth in mountains and hills, dry limestone forests, wet and mesic limestone forests, and semi-arid coastal regions. Meaty stews, plantain dishes … The mouth of San Juan Harbour, Capital City of Puerto Rico. Share your result in the comment section! Measuring 1,000 feet in diameter, this scientific hub and technological marvel is so big that it is nestled between the mountains of Arecibo. During his two-day stay, Columbus renamed the island San Juan Bautista (for … 1. Puerto Rico has the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is an island territory of the United States, found just east of the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea. The United States gained Puerto Rico as a territory after the Spanish-American War in 1898. Fun Facts about El Yunque. Fact 1 The capital of Puerto Rico is San Juan which is also the busiest cruise-ship ports in the world. The mouth of San Juan Harbour, Capital City of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican Tody is widespread and found in most forested areas throughout the island, including damp forests, humid mountain slopes, montane rain forests, coffee plantations, second growth pastures, riparian woodlands, dense growth in mountains and hills, dry limestone forests, wet and mesic limestone forests, and semi-arid coastal regions. It is a self-governing commonwealth affiliated with … Habitat. Christopher Columbus discovered Puerto Rico on November 19, 1493, during his second voyage to the new world. 8 Things You Didn't (and Should) Know About Puerto Rico.