Traduction de Breaking Benjamin, paroles de « The Diary Of Jane », anglais → t Do you like that? The Diary of Jane Lyrics: If I had to, I would put myself right beside you / So let me ask, "Would you like that? "As I burn another page, As I look the other way. THE DIARY OF JANE es una canción de Breaking Benjamin que se estrenó el 8 de agosto de 2006, este tema está incluido dentro del disco Phobia.Agradecemos a DIACON_FROST por haber sudido la letra de The Diary Of Jane. Diary Of Jane lyrics performed by Breaking Benjamin: If I had to, I would put myself right beside you so let me ask, would you like that, would you like that, and I don´t mind if you say this love is a last time, so I ask do you like that? First, Diary of Jane is referring to a diary of a fictitious woman named Jane. Do ya like that? Would ya like that? Datos de The Diary Of Jane. "The Diary Of Jane" lyrics. Would you like that? Breaking Benjamin Lyrics "The Diary Of Jane" If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask Would you like that? If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask Would you like that? Would you like that?" "The Diary of Jane", as of June 2006, could be heard on over 100 radio stations in America. I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane." No! And I don't mind If you say This love is the last time So now I'll ask, Do ya like that? Where is my place in your life? Breaking Benjamin Diary Of Jane Lyrics. Do you like that? The Diary Of Jane lyrics performed by Breaking Benjamin: If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask Would I still try to find my place in the diary of Jane." But why cant I end it? Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane Lyrics. Lyrics to 'The Diary Of Jane' by Breaking Benjamin: If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask Would you like that? Would you like that? So let’s take a moment to analyze this song and to find the hidden meaning behind the lyrics. Breaking Benjamin The Diary Of Jane Lyrics. We are getting close to a solution; something is going to happen to determine this one way or another. And I don't mind If you say this lo And I don't mind If you say this love is the last time So now I'll ask Do you like that? "The Diary of Jane" was the fastest added single in Hollywood Records history, topping such artists as Queen. The success of the song led it to be featured in the video game NASCAR 07 and as downloadable content for Rock Band and Rock Band 2. It rapidly became Breaking Benjamin’s hit song off the Phobia album and would eventually become their most recognizable song. No Something's getting in the way Something's just about to break I will try to find my place In the diary of Jane So, tell me How it should be? If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask you, Would ya like that? Would you like that? Would you like that? The Diary Of Jane lyrics: If I have to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask Would you like that? And I don't mind If you say this …