As strong swimmers, the Texas map turtle needs an aquatic setup and a platform to bask on. Striped Mud Turtle 35. The specific epithet, berlandieri, is in honor of naturalist Jean Louis Berlandier, who worked for the Mexican government on one of the first biological surveys of Texas. As such, some sources refer to it as Berlandier's tortoise. They are quite easy to breed and make excellent turtles for beginners. The Texas map turtle is one of the more popular turtle species kept as pets. Pearl River Map) - Graptemys gibbonsi (36 photos) Alabama Map Turtles - Graptemys pulchra (5 photos) Ringed Map Turtles - Graptemys oculifera (10 photos) Yellow-blotched Map Turtles - … Texas Map Turtles - Graptemys versa (56 photos) Pascagoula Map Turtles (a.k.a. ... Texas Map Turtle Graptemys versa. At the moment we have 30 different turtle species on this page. To begin our list of the different types of freshwater turtles (or tortoise, depending on where you are from), let's talk about the red-eared slider.Although, its scientific name is Trachemys scripta elegans.Its natural habitat is in Mexico and the United States, Mississippi being its main home. Texas Map Turtle Care Sheet. See photos and learn about these charismatic animals. Wildlife Wednesday: Turtles Around Houston. Kinosternon baurii. As their name suggests, they are endemic to Texas and are a map turtle species. Geographic range. While we really only encounter 3 species of turtle here at the Nature Discovery Center, there are actually a number of other species that occur in lakes, ponds, rivers, bayous, swamps, and marshes all over town. Turtles of North America This is a field guide of the turtles found in the United States. There are 7 recognized species of sea turtles, most of which can be found in the United States. Yellow Mud Turtle 5. Turtle Species Turtle Species, there are hundreds of different types of turtles. This is not an exhaustive list as there are several subspecies of turtles found in the United States. G. berlandieri is found from southern Texas southward into the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas.. Etymology. Adding a turtle to your home can be a great way to gain a new pet that will be with you for years.There are hundreds of turtle types, though, ranging from sea turtles to snapping turtles and much, much more. Click on each one to get further information on caring for your turtle. With so many options, choosing a pet turtle can be overwhelming.