In addition to federal laws governing animal ownership and treatment, every state has certain prohibitions or restrictions on which exotic animals can be owned as pets. All exotic pet owners are personally responsible for their own adherence to all laws. This list consists of bears, wolves, large cats, alligators, primates and more. (1) Wild and exotic animals entering Washington state must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection issued by an accredited veterinarian licensed in the state of origin, or accompanied by an international certificate of health unless the animals are prohibited under … Washington Exotic Pet Laws Since 2007, Washington state laws changed to restrict harmful animals from being kept as pets. With the complication inherent in legal ownership of exotic pets, here are a few select hypothetical examples, using western Washington State, to outline the process which should be followed: You intend to import a flying fox fruit bat as a pet… The entire genus Pteropus is … Usually these ordinances may be found within rules and regulations chapters of those entities’ official websites or enforced within the framework of local Animal Control regulations. Whether you already own an exotic animal, are thinking about purchasing one, or have been harmed by someone else's pet, contact a personal injury attorney to get a better handle on your state's exotic animal laws. Local governments may enact regulations which are more restrictive than State or Federal law, and quite often they do.