Brown-tailed mongoose videos, photos and facts - Salanoia concolor . The first known account of der Osterhase is found in the 1684 notes of a Heidelberg professor of medicine, where he discusses the ill-effects of overeating Easter eggs . This unusual looking mammal resembles a mongoose or civet and is currently classed as endangered due to habitat loss from the draining out marshes and deforestation. The rare and secretive falanouc is a carnivore found only in Madagascar, and in appearance resembles a mongoose.. Cook a classic Easter dinner with recipes for ham, lamb, scalloped potatoes, spring vegetables — and our best treats and cakes. Boiled eggs are traditionally served at breakfast. I found this question interesting enough to dive right in and do some research. Another is that it is used to supply dietary fiber, helping the cat defecate more easily and expel parasites and other harmful material through feces and vomit. Meerkats get most of their water from the plants they eat. The Eastern Cordillera Real montane forests (NT0121) is an ecoregion in the eastern range of the Andes of southern Colombia, Ecuador and northern Peru. We need you to answer this question! A proposed explanation is that cats use grass as a source of folic acid. I am neither an expert on snake venom or mongooses, but I couldn't resist attempting to answer this question. Every once in awhile, a meerkat will eat a small bird. Saved from Roast lamb , which is the main dish at Jewish Passover, is the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day. Cats do eat grass occasionally. They are immune to the poison – even the venom of cobras. The ecoregion covers the eastern slopes of the Andes, and includes montane forest that rises from the Amazonian rain forest, with cloud forest and elfin forest at higher elevations. The crabeater seal (Lobodon carcinophaga), also known as the krill-eater seal, is a true seal with a circumpolar distribution around the coast of Antarctica. This hopping Easter creature is believed to originate from Germany. Discover ideas about Bizarre Animals. Wiki User February 16, 2013 9:12PM. They are medium- to large-sized (over 2 m in length), relatively slender and pale-colored, found primarily on the free-floating pack ice that Bizarre Animals … Top Answer. While the days leading up to Easter include solemn processions and masses, Pasqua is a joyous celebration marked with rituals and traditions. At this time, giant-striped mongooses have only been documented in the spiny desert of southwestern Madagascar. With the grasses they prefer to eat young green shoots high in protein. Meerkats also eat insects, snails, spiders, plants, rodents, birds, eggs, and lizards. But Easter in Italy is a huge holiday, second only to Christmas in its importance for Italians. The Falanouc is a mammal that is only found on the island of Madagascar and although fairly widespread the Falanouc is certainly a rare sight with an estimated 2500 left in the wild. The domestic cat is believed to have evolved from the Near Eastern wildcat, whose range covers vast portions of the Middle East westward to the Atlantic coast of Africa. They appear to be generally abundant in that area, however with habitat loss that comes with increased development, and the extraction of wood from its habitat, the population size of the giant striped mongoose has begun to decline. Hyenas do not regurgitate food for their young and male spotted hyenas play no part in raising their cubs, [30] though male striped hyenas do so. [36] The striped hyena is primarily a scavenger, though it will occasionally attack and kill any defenseless animal it can overcome, [31] … The most interesting thing on a meerkats menu is venomous snakes and scorpions. What do eastern rosellas eat? What do people eat at Easter in british? Rosellas are mostly herbivores. They are herbivorous, favouring grasses but will eat a range of plants, including in some cases, fungi. The leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx), also referred to as the sea leopard, is the second largest species of seal in the Antarctic (after the southern elephant seal).Its only natural predator is the killer whale. Between 70,000 and 100,000 years ago the animal gave rise to the genetic lineage that eventually produced all domesticated cats, having diverged from the Near Eastern wildcat around 8,000 BC in the Middle East. Easter day, like Christmas day, is also associated with special food. Dry grass is difficult for them to digest. The Eastern Grey Kangaroo is predominantly a grazing animal with specific food preferences.