Hands down, color theory is my favorite thing to teach. Our unit is designed around Alice Walker’s novel, The Color Purple, and the epistolary style by which the story is told. The The Color Purple lesson plan is designed to help teachers and educators plan classroom activities and instruction. Unfortunately, many students find it inaccessible because they are unfamiliar with the concept of dialects and do not know how to read a book that is written in this way. An in-class activity assessing comprehension is supported and refined by the help of a text lesson. Over the years, I have tried many different ways to get students excited […] The Color Purple by Alice Walker is an excellent example of a text that is successfully and eloquently written in dialect. BookCaps lesson plans cover five days worth of material. Essentially a complete teacher's guide and novel unit, this LitPlan Teacher Pack includes lesson plans and reproducible student materials for The Color Purple by Alice Walker. While none of these are really “new” plans, you’ll now have the option to pick which one you want to follow. 222 pages Written by Christina Stone Grades 11-12. Actually, they have introduced THREE different plans- purple, blue, and green. Followers of the WW plan have been asking for choice, and they’ve finally introduced it with the new Weight Watchers color plans for 2020. Fill in the color you are working on or use each color! Walker's later novel The Temple of My Familiar explores the lives of characters related to Celie and Shug who continue to confront questions of race, gender, spirituality, history, and power. The Color Purple Lesson Plan Notes to the Teacher. _____, _____ is the color … Preschool Colors Theme Circle Time Ideas. The Color That I See. The Color Purple introduces themes and topics, such as sexual assault and physical abuse, that are geared toward a mature reading audience. It includes a suggested reading schedule, discussion questions, essay topics, homework assignments, and suggested web resources. Circle Time is such a great time for children to learn the social skills of being together as a large group AND to learn more about your preschool colors theme! I do a color unit every year with each grade level not only because I enjoy teaching it, but because I believe that color theory is central to understanding and creating art. The book also contains some explicit sexuality. The Color Purple Lesson Plan Relationship to Other Books. This comprehensive lesson plan includes 30 daily lessons, 180 multiple choice questions, 20 essay questions, 20 fun activities, and more - everything you need to teach The Color Purple! How well did your students comprehend Alice Walker's 'The Color Purple?' Overview. The The Color Purple lesson plan is designed to help teachers and educators plan classroom activities and instruction. Following Common Core Standards, this lesson plan for Alice Walker’s, 'The Color Purple' is the perfect solution for teachers trying to get ideas for getting students excited about a book.