More than sixty species of prey were recorded from the southern Kalahari alone. Bees will atack them but the honey badger is immune to their stings. read more With a name like "honey," you'd think honey badgers would be sweet animals, but they are tenacious and persistent creatures. More than sixty species of prey were recorded from the southern Kalahari alone. The Honey Badger Diet . It mainly eats small mammals such as prairie dogs and other ground squirrels, which it digs out from their burrows. They kill and eat snakes, even highly venomous or large ones, such as cobras. A honey badger was suspected to have broken up the shells of tent tortoises in the Nama Karoo. H oney badgers are generalist carnivores with an extremely wide diet. Badgers eat a variety of foods but prefer earthworms. Badgers, as with most small mammals, prefer to forage and feed alone. They got the name because they like to raid beehives, and although they do eat the honey, it's the bee larvae they're really after. To catch worms, badgers rely on a keen sense of smell provided by their sensitive noses and mouths. … What do badgers eat: Don’t Forget Water! Do not forget water. Posted on December 24, 2016. H oney badgers are generalist carnivores with an extremely wide diet. Honey badgers, or ratel, as they're often called in some parts of Africa (a word that might be derived from raat, the Dutch word for honeycomb), are more closely related to a weasel than a European badger, and they actually don't eat honey, though their weakness for beehives often gets them in trouble with humans. DO NOT SCREW WITH A HONEY BADGER! The American badger is the most carnivorous (meat-eating) badger. This is advisable not only during summer when water is scarce but also during winter when water is frozen. In the Kalahari, honey badgers were also observed to attack domestic sheep and goats, kill and eat black mambas. This is a very weird answer, but we find that badgers love honey sandwiches. Badgers eat a host of smaller food items like insect larvae, beetles, scorpions, lizards, rodents and birds. HONEY BADGER DONT CARE :p Honey Badgers are notorious for their strength, ferocity and toughness. In India, honey badgers are said to dig up human corpses. Badgers consume earthworms in large quantities, with an adult easily consuming several hundred each day. American badgers do not always eat what they catch right away and instead store it for later. Do Honey Badgers Eat Cobras Free PDF eBooks. Today I found out the world’s most fearless creature is the Honey Badger, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.. Honey Badgers have many reasons to be fearless. Badgers eat a host of smaller food items like insect larvae, beetles, scorpions, lizards, rodents and birds. Nature News - Protecting A Strong Animal - They should do whatever they can to keep the honey badger safe. DO NOT SCREW WITH A HONEY BADGER! They will even eat human and pet food. Now that you … You’ve probably heard all kinds of things about the honey badger and wondered, “Are these claims substantiated?” (First and foremost: Is it true that honey badgers don’t care?) Honey badgers eat honey very slowly by using their tongue to clean all the honey out of the hive. badgers eat worms insects and snails. Honey badgers are able to feed on tortoises without difficulty, due to their powerful jaws. Always remember to put ground-level fresh water in your garden. They have very thick (about 1/4 inches), rubbery skin, which is so tough that it’s been shown to be nearly impervious to traditionally made arrows and spears. HONEY BADGER DONT CARE :p Honey Badgers are notorious for their strength, ferocity and toughness.