5. For the most part, dolphins eat other smaller fish, but they are not limited to just fish. The Hourglass Dolphin. When it comes to the dolphin species all dolphins are part of the toothed whale suborder and teeth are one of the characteristics that are present among all of the toothed whale family.. They usually prey on squids, octopus, seals, sea lions, sea otters, rays, dolphins, sharks, baleen whales and of course, bony fishes. What do dolphins eat? The quantity however depends on the amount of the type of fish and squid that they eat. Ecologists can study the stomach contents of dolphins to see what specific fish they eat and estimate how much they are consuming of the fish population. Jul 2, 2014 - Explore AnimalLover339's board "Hourglass Dolphin" on Pinterest. On occasion, the pods have been known to have as many as 45 dolphins. They are rarely seen by humans as hourglass dolphins are one of the few dolphin species who favors the Antarctic area. ... You may also eat … In general, killer whales feed on a large variety of fish, cephalopods and marine mammals. Hourglass Dolphin Facts where do hourglass dolphins live On each side there is a white patch that looks a little like an hourglass shape. Although all dolphins are equipped with teeth not all species use their teeth for eating prey or tearing flesh. Dolphins actually do not need hair on the body to survive, as they have blubber (a thick fatty layer) just beneath their skin, which provides insulation in the cold and hot waters of the ocean. The average water temperature they live in is 0.1-0.3 degrees Celsius. Dolphins are carnivores in nature. 21. 4. The estimated number of species consumed worldwide by orcas is around 140. Dolphin Facts For Kids. Dolphins play a valuable part in marine study and assists scientists in learning more about their species, as well as other ocean life. 20. Hourglass dolphins have been spotted in groups of up to 100, but typically stay in smaller groups of about 8 dolphins. ... aiming for the prized hourglass figure that demands a small waist and curvy hips. The most preferred kinds of fish are mackerel or herring which has fat and can provide energy for the dolphins to swim and survive. This shy, elusive dolphin species share a similar black and white color pattern to killer whales, but they are a fraction of the size. Only six Hourglass dolphins have been examined by scientists. What Do Dolphins Eat – Dolphin Diet. Hourglass dolphin (Lagenorhynchus cruciger) A very small variety of dolphin that finds its home in the colder, Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic waters; the hourglass dolphin is a particularly pretty looking species. Hourglass dolphins live in pods, as most species of dolphins do, which ranges in numbers of 2 to 10. These groups of dolphins hunt at night, using cooperation to steer schools fish into each other’s path. The hourglass dolphin is black and white and for this reason was called the "sea skunk".