Here you’ll find many interesting walrus facts for kids. Walrus are one of the most majestic and recognizable animals in the Arctic. Walruses swim at an average speed to 4.35 mph (7km/h), but can reach speeds of 21.74 mph (35 km/h). Only elephant seals are larger. It is latin for tooth walking sea-horse. [ Read: Clownfish Facts For Kids] We hope you and your child enjoyed reading these facts and information about sea turtles. Fun! A female walrus is called a cow. Walrus Facts For Kids. Walruses are large animals with tusks that live on sea ice and beaches. Keep reading to learn about walruses, like where they live, what they like to eat and how they use those tusks. If you want to know about any other animal or if you want to add more information about sea turtles then do let us know by commenting below. Walrus is a member of the pinniped family, which includes different types of flippered marine mammals. Fun! Fun! (habitat, appearance, eats, lives) It also includes a craft with a writing activity. Walrus Walruses have an air sac under their throat, which helps them float in the water so they can sleep! Walruses are the second largest pinnipeds. There are two subspecies of walrus: the north Pacific walruses and the north Atlantic walrus. Walrus is a marine mammal. It has three subspecies: Atlantic Walrus, Pacific Walrus and O. r. laptevi. It is closely related to eared and true seals. Click here for more animal facts The scientific name for a walrus is Odobenus Rosmarus. It includes lots of great pictures and fact cards. Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is a large marine mammal and it is the only living species from its family and genus. This is a great addition to any polar animal unit! A male walrus is called a bull. Learn 10 fun facts about walrus & how to see them in the wild on one of our incredible trips. It has a booklet to make about the facts learned. Learn more amazing facts about these amazing creatures in … Walruses spend half their time on … A baby walrus is called a calf. Walruses can slow their heart rates to deal with freezing temperatures. Walruses can live to 40 years of age in the wild.