The linear carp has a perfect row of even scales along its entire length as follows. The common carp or European carp (Cyprinus carpio) is a widespread freshwater fish of eutrophic waters in lakes and large rivers in Europe and Asia. Linear has always been an approachable water for everyone, it is a wonderful complex with a big stock of large carp. Below are our link exchange banners not our sponsors 4,997 . Linear estimate the carp stock to be just over 1,000 fish with a high number of these in excess of twenty pounds in weight. A linear carp with the line of scale on the back. Following last weekends successful Tench session I had a hankering for more of the same. There are at least 20 over thirty pounds and over the last four years fish to over 40lb … 41lbs. Leather Carp Identification. What a milestone to reach after only 4 months. In this in-depth interview, Tom comes clean about some of his most-guarded secrets and reveals how you too can excel at the country’s most popular … ^^ 31lbs ^^ 29lbs 8oz Both were caught on balanced snowmans, fished on fluorocarbon hooklinks with long (3 … how do fellow carpers, can any one post some decent pics of the linear lakes at oxford, i would like to get an idea of the lakes before i make the pilgramage in a … Folks, I'm on holiday for a week now and will be doing a 48 hr session somewhere. how do fellow carpers, can any one post some decent pics of the linear lakes at oxford, i would like to get an idea of the lakes before i make the pilgramage in a … Managed to winkle out one each. Hardwick Lake and Smiths Pool Reviews About Hardwick & Smiths. I'm looking at a change from my club lakes so was thinking about Linear. I hadn't fished this lake before but heard that there was some lovely original carp … Share. Linear carp scales form a relatively straight line that runs across their back or side. Share with: Link: Copy link. Tom Maker is the most successful angler in the history of Linear Fisheries, having caught hundreds, if not thousands, of carp from around the complex over the years. This was also the 100th 30lb + fish reported from the complex this year. Linear Tench (and Carp) Not really what you would call a Spring morning! Tom Maker is the most successful angler in the history of Linear Fisheries, having caught hundreds, if not thousands, of carp from around the complex over the years. Do you guy over here found this type of fish ?hey are not comon , this one is pretty small (7 lbs) but so cute The Birmingham-based venue regular tempted the impressive specimen during a 48-hour session on the popular Oxfordshire day-ticket fishery’s 26-acre Oxlease Lake. FC MEMBER. Two of Linear’s original carp lakes Joined together by a narrow channel these two waters provide some first class fishing and contain some very pretty carp which were selected intentionally for the waters. Mirror carp can be identified by irregular scales dotted over its body, although anglers have subdivided the scale patterns to make them easily identifiable – linear mirrors have a continuous line of scales along their lateral line whereas fully scaled mirrors are completely covered in scales of different sizes. The Birmingham-based venue regular tempted the impressive specimen during a 48-hour session on the popular Oxfordshire day-ticket fishery’s 26-acre Oxlease Lake. mac. Two of Linear’s original carp lakes Joined together by a narrow channel these two waters provide some first class fishing and contain some very pretty carp which were selected intentionally for the waters. any chance you can put in a bye lol so i c Linear Carp - The FS2 Forum The FS2 Forum Leather carp are a species of carp that have little or no scales at all. I’ve had otters visit me on the Bristol Avon plenty in well lit up and busy stretches but Linear is something else.