The only zoos that readily house this bird are those in rather cold climates. They are wild animals, and are adapted to an incredibly cold environment. ® Categories Travel & Places Countries, States, and Cities Canada Canada Provinces and Territories Nunavut Is a ptarmigan a bird? A legendary intramural sports organization at U of D Jesuit in Detroit is named and modeled after the majestic Ptarmigan. The prairie chicken and the mallard are the pitiful rivals of the Ptarmigan. The ptarmigan is of the grouse family. Go. Does the Ptarmigan Make a Good Pet. Would you like to merge this question into it? Is a ptarmigan a bird? Ptarmigans have been known to rape and pillage entire nest-cities of prairie chickens and mallards. The willow ptarmigan (/ ˈ t ɑːr m ɪ ɡ ən /) (Lagopus lagopus) is a bird in the grouse subfamily Tetraoninae of the pheasant family Phasianidae. It is also illegal to own ptarmigans as pets in many places. No, ptarmigans do not make good pets. Willow Ptarmigan The official state bird of Alaska is the Willow Ptarmigan, adopted in 1955. and it is soooooo AWESOME The state bird of Alaska is the Willow Ptarmigan. MERGE CANCEL. Ptarmigan migration flocks can number in the hundreds. Willow Ptarmigan The official state bird of Alaska is the Willow Ptarmigan, adopted in 1955. and it is soooooo AWESOME The state bird of Alaska is the Willow Ptarmigan. It is also known as the willow grouse and in Ireland and Britain, where it was previously considered to be a separate species, as the red grouse . Ptarmigan Care. Outside of migration and breeding season they continue to live together in flocks numbering in the dozens for protection, but these flocks are usually segregated by the sexes. SAVE CANCEL. already exists. science math history literature technology health law business All Sections. It is also the only known species of fowl to be resistant to bird flu and liberalism.